Fuel for commercial politics : the nucleus of early commercial proliferation of atomic energy in three acts
Roitto, M., Nevalainen, P., & Kaarkoski, M. (2022). Fuel for commercial politics : the nucleus of early commercial proliferation of atomic energy in three acts. Business History, 64(8), 1510-1553. https://doi.org/10.1080/00076791.2020.1845316
Published in
Business HistoryDate
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
Historical research into the nuclear industry has focussed upon military and commercial aspects of the technology whilst ignoring fuel. This article discusses nuclear fuel, the resource at the centre of the industry and the role superpower politics played in its supply. Starting with the context of superpower competition, we examine the spread of nuclear technology from its beginnings in post-war Britain via West Germany in the 1950s to Finland in the 1960s and 1970s. We demonstrate that each country had varied interests affecting the choice of nuclear fuel for early energy projects; British fuel choices were constrained by its weapons programme and Germany needed legitimacy in the face of opposition in the 1950s. Finland was constrained by ‘Finlandisation’ and despite domestic enthusiasm the country had to balancing competing blocs in its choice of reactor and fuel. In short, fuel choices were constrained by local and supranational geopolitical conditions.
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Additional information about funding
Matti Roitto has received ‘Fortum Foundation’, personal travel grant (3200e) for presenting research results of ‘Fuel for commercial politics – the nucleus of early commercial proliferation of atomic energy in three acts’ research paper in World Economic Business History Congress ‘Waves of Globalization’, Boston, 29.7-3.8.2018. ‘Emil Aaltonen Foundation’, personal postdoctoral research-grant (31500e) for ‘Atomiajan synty, mahdollisuudet, vaikutukset ja polkuriippuvuus – Modernien haasteiden taustat’ [Birth of the Atomic Age – possibilities, effects and path dependency] - personal post doctoral research project for 12 months.

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