Pitkään imettäneet äidit – Tutkimus äitien fyysisestä, sosiaalisesta ja emotionaalisesta tilasta
Different norms define what is considered normal in breastfeeding. In Finland,
mothers are expected to breastfeed their children, with the duration of the
breastfeeding period defined by health authorities as well as cultural
expectations. The national goal is to make Finland one of the top breastfeeding
countries statistically, yet at the same time many mothers struggle to breastfeed.
This study examines breastfeeding beyond infancy (12 months) as a cultural
phenomenon. The point of view is in gender studies, and it follows the tradition
of feminist studies by giving a voice and space to mothers while studying norms
and expectations critically. Mothers in Finland are typically expected to
breastfeed for one year at the most. The concept of long-term breastfeeding was
analyzed in four substudies that each had their own point of view: physical space,
embodiment, relationality, and good mothering in media discourses. The study
is based on an interest in space and its physical, social and emotional construction.
The research questions were as follows: How is physical, social and emotional
space constructed in the mothers’ writings and media texts?
The study is based on two different datasets. In the first, 39 written accounts
of Finnish mothers who have breastfed over 12 months were collected in 2012.
These data were analyzed by qualitative content analysis. The second dataset
consists of media texts about long-term breastfeeding and public breastfeeding
published by two major Finnish news sites between 2014 and 2017. These data
were analyzed by discourse analysis.
The results suggest that long-term breastfeeding challenges the normativity
of “fit” and “unfit” mothering. The study contributes to diversifying the
understanding of mothering. It reveals that mothers face problems in physical
space, social space is filled with conventions of what is proper, and emotional
space is defined by fit and unfit emotions. This study concentrates on mothers’
experiences and media texts rather than health authorities’ statements and
therefore contributes to breaking down the medicalization of breastfeeding.
Keywords: Long-term breastfeeding, space, mothering, embodiment,
Jyväskylän yliopistoISBN
978-951-39-8503-5ISSN Search the Publication Forum
2489-9003Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Säilävaara, J. (2016). Imettämässä kaapissa? : pitkään imettäneet äidit ja normatiiviset tilat. Sukupuolentutkimus, 29 (2), 7-20. jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/67639
- Artikkeli II: Säilävaara, Jenny (2020). Long-Term Breastfeeding : The Embodied Experiences of Finnish Mothers. NORA : Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 28 (1), 43-55. DOI: 10.1080/08038740.2019.1694581
- Artikkeli III: Säilävaara, Jenny. Relational Long-Term Breastfeeding. Vertaisarvioinnissa.
- Artikkeli IV: Säilävaara, Jenny & Mehtätalo, Hilkka (2020). Sopivuus, oikeus ja terveys. Pitkäkestoinen imetys ja julkinen imetys mediateksteissä. Sosiologia, 57:4, 386–402.
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