Sovremennyj russkij voennyj žargon v real'nom obŝenii, hudožestvennoj literature i publicistike : sistemo-âzykovoj, sociolingvističeskij i funkcional'no-stilističeskij aspekty

The present study is concerned with the problems of modem Russian military jargon. The thesis includes an analysis of the jargon from different points of view: military jargon as a special language of a certain professional group, word formation in jargon, and usage of jargon words in real conversation, modem Russian literature and journalistic articles. In spite of the fact that jargon has been only lately taken into the focus in different types of research, it still presents a number of unsolved problems. As jargon is not only a specific lexical and phraseological system, the purpose of this study is to discuss the human element in the formation of the military jargon (what Russian border guards' jargon is like, and how and why this jargon is created and used). It is also shown in this work that there are some extralinguistic as well as indisputable linguistic reasons why the military jargon has borrowed elements from the criminals' argot. In this respect, the study is, to a certain extent, sociolinguistic. This study also tries to define jargon as a social variety of language and reveal the differences and similarities between the terms '1argon", "argot" and "slang", as they are used in Russia in this context. Particular attention is paid to the opposition "military jargon - military terminology", and the mechanisms of their interaction in communication of the servicemen. The supplements to this research ("Vocabulary in the border guards' jargon" and "Soldiers' folklore") contain rich illustrative material chosen from observations on soldiers' everyday oral speech. The data in this research, field notes on fragments of soldiers' oral speech as well as dialogues from diverse situations in army life, quotations from newspapers and journals etc., can be used as a historical testimony about the usage of contemporary military jargon.
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Theses Doctoral thesis
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Studia Philologica Jyväskyläensia
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