Oxygen uptake, heart rate and blood lactate levels in female horseback riders during the obstacle test track
Hyttinen, A.-M., Ahtiainen, J. P., & Häkkinen, K. (2020). Oxygen uptake, heart rate and blood lactate levels in female horseback riders during the obstacle test track. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 20(4), 584-595. https://doi.org/10.1080/24748668.2020.1764747
BiomekaniikkaLiikuntafysiologiaValmennus- ja testausoppiBiomechanicsExercise PhysiologyScience of Sport Coaching and Fitness TestingCopyright
© 2020 Cardiff Metropolitan University
The purpose of this study was to examine endurance performance by recording oxygen uptake, heart rate and blood lactate during the obstacle test track, equivalent to competitive performance in female horseback riders. In total 42 female riders participated in the study (show jumping, SJ n = 16, eventing, E n = 26). Age, height and weight of the total group were 29.0(9.2) yrs, 1.68(0.06) m, and 68.1(10.3) kg, respectively. Participants rode a minimum of 4 times per/week, and the riding level was from national to international. VO2peak/VO2mean and HRpeak/HRmean of the total group during the obstacle test track (OTT) were 34.4(5.0)/26.4(4.0) ml/kg/min and 184.4(9.6)/178.1(10.2) bpm. BLa concentration of the total group increased during the OTT to 7.6(2.2) mmol/L. No significant differences were observed between SJ and E in any endurance performance variables during the OTT. The results indicated that the previous experience in SJ and/or E riding training did not lead to any differences in the present rider´s physical loading during OTT. As the OTT appeared to be very strenuous to the present riders, it might be appropriate to design both SJ and E horseback riding training and additional endurance training to support equestrian sport specific performance in situations of competition.

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