Adaptiivinen opetus : oppimistutkimus harjaantumiskoulun opetussuunnitelma- ja seurantajärjestelmän kehittämisen tukena
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Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social researchTekijät
2019:7 | 2020:92 | 2021:162 | 2022:62 | 2023:115 | 2024:130 | 2025:10
The report consists of several researches by means of which the education of mentally retarded persons has been developed. The curricula and follow-up systems developed on the basis of learning prerequisites and learning results form the foundation of the summary which is intended to L) gather together the goals, methods and results of the studies and 2) study the experiences received in the process of developing the curricula and evaluation methods as well as to discuss the need for curriculum-based research in the future. The studies resulted in the conclusion that almost all mentally retarded students learn. An exception are students whose illnesses (primarily degenerative) prevent them from learning. Most differences in learning are accounted for by learning prerequisites, degree of mental retardation, additional handicaps and, with those who progress in accordance with the curriculum EHA1, by age. An accurate diagnosis of learning prerequisites permits to provide individual students with exact goals which can be achieved by them. This is of great importance for the planning of individualized teaching. However, additional handicaps (multiple handicaps) cause many problems in this respect. In practice, the research has led to the construction of nation-wide curricula and evaluation systems for the mentally retarded (e.g. HOPS-79, EHA1, EHA2). The development of a curricular system in co-operation with the special school teachers in the field has been seen as a very positive thing. Besides, when teachers have had an opportunity to influence the development and elaboration of the curricula they use, this has facilitated the introduction of these curricula. A problem in this development was the teachers' commitment to action required by the evaluation and follow-up systems. A lot remains to be improved in this respect. For example, a diagnosis sometimes seems to be a separate step, in which case it loses its meaning. This means that the education received by the student does not, in every respect, correspond to his or her needs. Particularly apparent this was in the data for the severely retarded pupils: as a result of a wrong or lacking diagnosis a student remained sometimes altogether without appropriate teaching.
978-951-39-8007-8ISSN Hae Julkaisufoorumista
Näytä kaikki kuvailutiedotKokoelmat
- Väitöskirjat [3619]
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