dc.description.abstract | The linguistic turn in historical research has shifted the interest of an increasing
number of historians into problematizing the nature of past language. In this
study the linguistic turn has been divided into five different approaches—
conceptual history, linguistic contextualism, discursivity, linguistically
constructed gender, and narrativity. This categorization is based on the senior
theorists R. Koselleck, Q. Skinner, M. Foucault, J. Scott, and H. White, and the
first wave of linguistic turns their works impacted within historical studies. Thus,
these linguistic turns have foreign background and they have been gradually
imported into Finland and Sweden. It is an interplay between local historical
traditions and foreign scholarly adaptions. By analyzing doctoral dissertations of
history defended in Sweden and Finland in 1970–2010, and the reviews of them,
similarities but also differences are seen between ways to conduct historical
research in these countries. Less than 10 percent of the dissertations in both
countries included references to linguistic turns: in the Finnish case circa 9% and
in the Swedish case 6%. Linguistic turns themselves have become diversified,
both in international and national debates. Their impact on Finnish and Swedish
historiography has been notable, but not comprehensive. The role and essence of
language has been acknowledged more widely and deeply during the last few
decades, but the applications of linguistically oriented approaches remain within
a limited number of scholars. The pace of adopting and elaborating linguistic
turns tells also about the historiography of these countries more widely. In
Finland, the discipline of general history (yleinen historia) has a long tradition of
being internationally oriented, and the applications of linguistically oriented
methods validates this fact. In turn, the discipline of the history of ideas and
science (idé- och lärdomshistoria) in Sweden has created links between their
methodological starting points and linguistic contextualism or conceptual
history. Historians from both countries have contributed to linguistically
oriented methods with their local and national applications, but the pace and
coverage has been quicker and more extensive in Finland. This reflects openness
to international debates in a smaller nation state.
Keywords: Historiography, Linguistic Turn, Methodology, Reception, Finland
and Sweden, Dissertations, Comparative History, 1970–2010 | en |