Näytä suppeat kuvailutiedot

dc.contributor.authorNaukkarinen, Aimo
dc.description.abstractThis qualitative study explores the problem-solving culture associated with students' challenging behavior in an upper comprehensive school (ages 13 to 16). Based on the findings, new possibilities are suggested for developing the problem­- solving culture in the Comprehensive School. The data consist of interviews, written stories by the participants, videotapes of the student welfare team mee­tings, official documents, and open answers to a questionnaire. Data were gathered from teachers, other school personnel, students, and students' parents. Data were organized around four themes: (1)definition of the situation, (2)sense of community, (3)social control, and (4)dealing with the student's indivi­duality. When students behave in challenging ways, it is common that the problem situation is defined as the student's problem and the problem is not seen that much as being a problem with the learning environment. In addition, the school's problem-solving culture reflects a loose sense of community and authoritarian social control. It is argued that defining the problem situation as the student's problem, a loose sense of community, and authoritarian social control together have a significant effect on the ways a school deals with the student's individuality. The creativity of problem-solving may get restricted and a school may be satisfied with using only routine solutions based on authoritarian social control. With those students experienced by the staff as having the most severe challenging behavior, two common ways to solve problems emerge: the lowering of expectations for learning and/ or proper behavior and the removal of the student from the heterogeneous study group. It is argued that a behavioristic conception of learning, technical rationalist professionalism and individual-focused problem-solving, all reflecting positivism, together help to create and sustain the definition of the situation as student's problem, a loose sense of community, and authoritarian social control. A 'lear­ning school' that is able to deal with the student's individuality is reconstructed. Beliefs behind a leaming school are a constructivist conception of learning, critical reflective professionalism, and systemic problem-solving, all reflecting constructionism. However, the shift from a traditiona! school to a leaming school involves a very difficult, paradigmatic change.fi
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research
dc.rightsIn Copyright
dc.titleTasapainoilua kurinalaisuuden ja tarkoituksenmukaisuuden välillä : oppilaiden ei-toivottuun käyttäytymiseen liittyvän ongelmanratkaisun kehittäminen yhden peruskoulun yläasteen tarkastelun pohjalta
dc.subject.ysotyörauha (työyhteisöt)fi
dc.subject.ysoperuskoulun yläastefi
dc.subject.ysososiaalinen kontrollifi

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Näytä suppeat kuvailutiedot

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