Revealing Hidden Quantum Correlations in an Electromechanical Measurement
Ockeloen-Korppi, C. F., Damskägg, E., Paraoanu, G. S., Massel, F., & Sillanpää, M. A. (2018). Revealing Hidden Quantum Correlations in an Electromechanical Measurement. Physical Review Letters, 121(24), Article 243601.
Julkaistu sarjassa
Physical Review LettersTekijät
© 2018 American Physical Society.
Under a strong quantum measurement, the motion of an oscillator is disturbed by the measurement
backaction, as required by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. When a mechanical oscillator is
continuously monitored via an electromagnetic cavity, as in a cavity optomechanical measurement, the
backaction is manifest by the shot noise of incoming photons that becomes imprinted onto the motion of the
oscillator. Following the photons leaving the cavity, the correlations appear as squeezing of quantum noise
in the emitted field. Here we observe such “ponderomotive” squeezing in the microwave domain using an
electromechanical device made out of a superconducting resonator and a drumhead mechanical oscillator.
Under a strong measurement, the emitted field develops complex-valued quantum correlations, which in
general are not completely accessible by standard homodyne measurements. We recover these hidden
correlations, using a phase-sensitive measurement scheme employing two local oscillators. The utilization
of hidden correlations presents a step forward in the detection of weak forces, as it allows us to fully utilize
the quantum noise reduction under the conditions of strong force sensitivity.
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