Quality Management in Service Desk : How Does Service Desk Managers Define and Measure Quality
Hjelt, M., & Syynimaa, N. (2018). Quality Management in Service Desk : How Does Service Desk Managers Define and Measure Quality. In S. Hammoudi, M. Smialek, O. Camp, & J. Filipe (Eds.), ICEIS 2018 : Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Volume 2 (pp. 314-319). SCITEPRESS Science And Technology Publications. https://doi.org/10.5220/0006779903140319
© Hjelt, Syynimaa & SCITEPRESS, 2018.
Many public and private sector organisations are depending on IT services provided by external service
providers. The quality of the service affects the customer satisfaction and consequently the customer
behaviour. The concept of quality has many meanings in the literature. In this paper, we study how service
desk managers perceive the concept of quality and how to manage it in an organisation which has adopted
ITIL. Our findings indicate that the quality is seen only in terms of how the agreed service levels are achieved.
This view excludes the quality of the processes used to deliver IT services. Quality measurements are
reflecting the perception of the concept of quality.
SCITEPRESS Science And Technology PublicationsParent publication ISBN
International Conference on Enterprise Information SystemsIs part of publication
ICEIS 2018 : Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Volume 2Publication in research information system
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