To survive or succeed? : An analysis of biotechnology firms
Pajunen, K., & Järvinen, J. (2018). To survive or succeed? : An analysis of biotechnology firms. Small Business Economics, 51(3), 757-771.
Published in
Small Business EconomicsDate
Basic or discovery scholarshipStrategia ja yrittäjyysBasic or discovery scholarshipStrategy and EntrepreneurshipCopyright
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2017
In this paper, we address the question whether there exists differences in the determinants that
support survival versus success of small and medium-sized high-tech firms. We examine this
question in the context of Finnish biotechnology industry by analyzing the survival of all
dedicated biotechnology firms in the period of 1978–2008. We argue and show that the
success and survival of firms are not necessarily driven by similar determinants. Specifically,
we find that while the role of different types of alliances, focused market scope as well as
legitimacy of the industry seem to be important both ensuring in survival and enhancing
successful performance, determinants related to sources of financing, clustering and patenting
show differences in terms of how they to relate on survival and success.
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