Success factors in distributed agile development : case study
This thesis aimed to figure out success factors in distributed software development conducting literature review and empirical research. The motivation for
this research rose from practical work experience and the notion that usage of
agile development has increased same time as global distributed software development has become more common. The research question formed to investigate
the topic was: “What are success factors in distributed agile development and
what experiences about this combination already exists?” To answer research
question, there were conducted literature review of existing literature and empirical case study research executed using theme interviews. In literature review
used keywords were distributed development, agile development and distributed agile development. These keywords were covered in success and challenge
perspectives and literature related to distributed development and agile development were used to support review because the lack of references related only
to success factors of distributed agile development. In both, distributed development and agile development success factors, raised two similar factors. The first
common factor is about teams and team members. Based on agile development
team members should be competent and team should be high-caliber team and
in distributed development the team integration and spirit were highlighted. The
second factor is related to communication and effective communication technologies and tools. Based on studied empirical case, communication, trainings and
team cohesion were agreed as success factors in distributed agile development.
Also, correct roles for team members and technical tools were mentioned.
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- Pro gradu -tutkielmat [29376]
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