Äitien pyrkimykset ja toimintamahdollisuuksien valikko : käsitteellinen tutkimus äitien taloudellisista toimintamahdollisuuksista
This study addresses the conceptual outlines of the financial capabilities of moth-
ers. It examines how the perspectives and concepts of the capability approach
can be utilized in outlining the relationship between motherhood and financial
aspects. The aim is to develop conceptual tools for analyzing the choices and financial agency of mothers.
This study emphasizes the methodological dimension using three elements: the
capability approach, feminist economics and memory work. The main element
of the study is the capability approach, which provides the perspective of the
inquiry and the concepts for analysis. Feminist economics provides a definition
of economy and a way to produce knowledge that deals with economic and financial aspects. Memory work offers an instrument for the collective gathering
of research data. The study contributes to theoretical and conceptual discussions
about capabilities as well as to discussions about developing professional social
work practices for financial social work.
A conceptual framework is developed that outlines financial capabilities through
the concepts of aspiration and capability set. The conceptual analysis is realized
using the data provided by the mothers in the memory work group. In the analysis the mothers’ aspirations are characterized by responsibility, respectability,
devotion to the child and the ideal of autonomy.
Assets within the family, labor position of the mother and family benefits are
analyzed to form the capability set of mothers. These elements of the capability
set vary in their ability to achieve aspirations by enhancing wellbeing and agency
in different intensities. The conceptual framework deepens understanding regarding the complexity and diversity of the financial choices as well as the financial agency of mothers. The study concludes with a reflection on how concepts
related to capability can be utilized in social work and social work research.
University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-7340-7ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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