Rethinking virtuality in a digital media age
Gibbs, J. L. (2017). Rethinking virtuality in a digital media age. Prologi : puheviestinnän vuosikirja, 2017, 60-65.
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Prologi : puheviestinnän vuosikirjaAuthors
© Kirjoittaja ja Prologos ry
Scholars have studied virtuality in teams and organizations for over two decades. The term “virtual” is of-
ten used loosely and imprecisely, and theoretical debates have flourished over what differentiates virtual
from non-virtual teams. In these debates, scholarship has not explicitly considered the significant ways
in which the technological landscape has changed over this time. While the virtual is often treated as a
separate space from “real”, physical or face-to-face interaction, the increasing technological saturation of
our lives has resulted in a blurring of online and offline worlds such that these distinctions may no longer
hold up. I will explore whether the term “virtuality” still has currency and the ways in which we must
rethink our underlying assumptions about virtuality in a digital media age.
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