Physical activity during pregnancy and early childhood from the perspective of gestational diabetes risk and children's body composition
Published in
Studies in sport, physical education and healthAuthors
LiikuntalääketiedeThis study investigated the factors associated with self-reported leisure-time
physical activity excluding household activities (LTPAexHH) among women at
risk for gestational diabetes (GDM), change in self-reported LTPA including
household activities (LTPAinHH) from pre-pregnancy to 7-year follow-up as
well as the influence of risk for GDM on their children’s physical activity (PA)
and body composition. The association between maternal and child PA, and
associations of PA with body composition and physical fitness in preschoolers
were also studied.
A sample of 399 pregnant women at risk for GDM was examined in a cohort
study, and 199 mother-child dyads were assessed in cross-sectional and
longitudinal analyses based on a Finnish NELLI study. Additionally, samples of
preschoolers were assessed in cross-sectional (n=307) and longitudinal analyses
(n=138) based on a Swedish MINISTOP study. PA was evaluated using
subjective (questionnaire) and objective (accelerometer) methods. Factors
associated with LTPAexHH were collected with questionnaires and maternity
cards. Body composition and physical fitness were assessed. The results showed
that among women at risk for GDM self-reported pre-pregnancy LTPAexHH and
social support were positively associated with self-reported LTPAexHH during
pregnancy, whereas health-related issues and lack of time restricted it the most.
The women at risk for GDM engaged less than peers in self-reported LTPAinHH
over 7-year follow-up. Additionally, maternal objectively measured PA was
associated with children’s PA at 7-year follow-up. Moreover, high-intensity PA
was related to healthier body composition and better physical fitness in
In conclusion, women’s PA before, during and after pregnancy seem to
improve PA and body composition in two generations. Additionally, high-
intensity PA at young ages may support long-term health benefits for childhood
body composition and physical fitness.
University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-7242-4ISSN Search the Publication Forum
body composition children gestational diabetes risk physical activity physical fitness pregnancy fyysinen aktiivisuus terveysvaikutukset raskaus sikiönkehitys raskausdiabetes painonhallinta liikunta äidit lapset (ikäryhmät) leikki-ikäiset kehonkoostumus fyysinen kunto esikouluikäiset riskitekijät varhaislapsuus
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