"Me ollaan koko ajan liikkeessä" : tutkimus nuorten omaehtoisen liikkumisen muodoista ja merkityksistä tilan kehyksissä
Published in
Studies in sport, physical education and healthAuthors
Liikunnan yhteiskuntatieteetThis study examines the meanings and prerequisites of self-organised physical
activity from young people’s perspective. The theoretical framework is social
space, which enables young people’s experiences to be interpreted in parallel
with their physical, social, and cultural environment. Three research questions
are addressed: (1) Where does young people’s self-organised physical activity
take place? (2) What are the forms of the activity? (3) What meanings do young
people associate with the spaces of the activity?
The research data were collected within one municipality. The main data
consist of 34 theme interviews with young people aged 12 to 16 years. The interviewees were selected mainly with the help of a questionnaire in three lower
secondary schools. Interview data were also collected at the sites of self-
organised physical activity. The chosen interviewees were boys and girls with
different physical activity orientations in terms of the forms and frequency of
physical activity, and with different living environments: a small city centre, the
residential areas of the city, a rural town centre, and rural areas. The data also
include activity maps and on-site observation. The data were analysed using
content analysis.
The ideal places of self-organised physical activity were situated close to
home, available for spontaneous use, and occasionally modifiable. Open and
sufficiently large spaces appeared to be more significant than high-quality sites
or facilities. The forms of activity were characterised by the adaptation of sports
and movement to suit the place, time frame, and particularly the reference
group. Physical activity environments proved to be divergent social spaces for
different young people. Spaces of sociality and spaces of playfulness were of
major importance for the activity, implicating a distinction from the discourse
of rationality. The spatial power held by adults over the spaces for the activity
was also relevant for the meanings. In conclusion, the role of physical activity in
unstructured leisure time varied from spontaneous supplementary motion to
goal-oriented training. Finding space for meaningful activity required variable
degrees of agency because it often connected with opportunities to negotiate
acceptable uses of functionalised and limited space.
Alternative title
Tutkimus nuorten omaehtoisen liikkumisen muodoista ja merkityksistä tilan kehyksissäPublisher
University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-7204-2ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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- Väitöskirjat [3619]
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