Crisis communication and terrorism : mapping challenges and co-creating solutions
Terrorism is a globally connected, uncontrollable, transboundary risk that
continually evolves and changes forms, resulting in multiple complexities that
affect the lives of both citizens and organisations across the globe. These risks
involve a high level of complexity when they materialise as crises, and the use
of CBRN (chemical biological, radiological or nuclear) materials presents the
possibility of a worst-case scenario. Crisis communication in such cases would
not only be essential but also a matter of life and death.
Hence, the purpose of this research was to better understand and describe
the challenges of communication in CBRN terrorism crises as well as how these
challenges can be addressed by the communication supporting crisis management of public authorities. Empirical research was conducted for this thesis,
and this thesis shell provides a synthesis of the empirical findings and the theo-
retical insights obtained from the crisis communication literature.
This thesis is comprised of five sub-studies reported in five original articles. The research is based on a qualitative research approach grounded in a
social constructionist ontology and an interpretive epistemology. The data of
this research were generated through literature reviews, a qualitative online
questionnaire and a table top discussion, and it was mostly thematically analysed. The central findings of this research, combined with theoretical insights
obtained from the literature, were synthesised and illustrated in a model, which
depicts complexities and ways to cope with them using an integrated approach
to crisis communication for CBRN terrorism.
From a practice perspective, the findings of this thesis can promote professional resilience in the field by introducing approaches and methods communication professionals can use to cope with the most complex types of crises.
From a theoretical perspective, by reviewing and synthesising insights from the
scientific literature on the topic of crisis communication when CBRN terrorism
is involved, this thesis provides a broad understanding of the dimensions and
boundaries of this multi-disciplinary area of research and clarifies the specific
aspects, elements and insights involved.
University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-7172-4ISSN Search the Publication Forum
CBRN communication strategy making crisis communication process approach sensemaking social media monitoring terrorism Laadullinen tutkimus kriisiviestintä terrori-iskut terrorismi kriisinhallinta viestintästrategiat viranomaiset turvallisuusviestintä joukkotuhoaseet kriisit resilienssi riskienhallinta riskit tiedonkulku tiedonvälitys viestintä biologiset aseet kemialliset aseet poliittinen väkivalta ydinaseet
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