Multiple directorships of corporate boards and firm performance in India
Hundal, S. (2017). Multiple directorships of corporate boards and firm performance in India. Corporate Ownership and Control, 14(4), 150-164.
Julkaistu sarjassa
Corporate Ownership and ControlTekijät
© 2017 by Authors and Virtus Interpress. This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
The purpose of the paper is to investigate, first, the association
between multiple directorship assignments (busyness) undertaken
by corporate directors and firm performance, second, whether
endogenously determined limits of multiple directorships,
highlighting the ownership structure and other institutional
settings, explain the above association better than those by
exogenously mandated by regulators and third, the association
between the nature of busyness and firm performance. The study
develops measures of busyness in the light of the agency and
resource dependence theories. The spline regression technique is
applied in order to reflect institutional settings of a large sample
and sub-samples of firms classified as local private, foreign and
government firms in India. For local private firms, the association
between the number of directorships and firm performance
becomes negative before reaching the maximum number of
directorships set by legislation, whereas, for foreign and
government firms, the same continues to remain positive
throughout. Endogenously determined cut-off points of busyness
reflect institutional settings of firms, which may remain masked
otherwise. The findings of the current paper can be useful to study
the same phenomenon in other emerging markets having
corporate governance, and ownership structures similar to that of
India. The effect of busyness can be different on different firms;
however, exogenously fixed regulatory limits do not reflect their
institutional settings. The current paper is an attempt to fill in this
research gap.
Virtus InterpressISSN Hae Julkaisufoorumista
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Näytä kaikki kuvailutiedotKokoelmat
- Kauppakorkeakoulu [1382]
Ellei muuten mainita, aineiston lisenssi on © 2017 by Authors and Virtus Interpress. This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
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