Oikealle alalle? : logistiikka-alan ammattikoulutuksen ja työelämän osaamisen todellisuuksien kohtaaminen
The aim of this doctoral thesis was to study how vocational education and training
(VET) and working life encounter each other. Naturally the research topic chosen was
selected from the researcher´s own professional field, i.e., logistics education. The
research task was to examine, how VET-students' professional expectations in the
study field of logistics encounter with the working life realities.
The main research question was “How do the logistics (driver training) students’
vocational expectations encounter with the requirements of dynamically changing
working life from the point of view of the vocational competence, the time span of
2001-2025?” The two sub-questions were 1) How do the logistics students´ expectations encounter to the working life in their answers when being interviewed by the
teachers from the point of view of the vocational competence and 2) How do the
changing requirements of dynamically changing working life encounter to the vocational education according to the on-the-job-learning trainers from the point of view of
the vocational competence in the interview material. The theoretical framework was
constructed on the basis of Super´s and Holland´s career theories.
The study is an inductive, qualitative case study. The data consist of student applicants’ (N=335, 2007-2014) and on-the-job-learning trainers´ (N=10, 2014) interviews.
The data were analysed through qualitative content analyses by means of theoretical
framework (Holland 1959, 1973 and 1985; Super 1957).
The research results indicates that the working life competence requirements and
the logistics students´ professional expectations only partially encounter to, even weakly. The inability of encounter of working life’s requirements and students’ vocational
expectations reflect a radical change in society and working life. According to the research results the key development areas in vocational education and training in the
logistics sector is the development of digital learning and teaching environment and
interactive and social skills as well, in cooperation with various actors (stakeholders) in
working life.
This study produced two theoretical models applied to vocational education and
training: 1) A theoretical approach to cooperative pedagogical counselling and 2) The
theoretical model of VET-students recruitment. These two theoretical models can be
utilized in student recruitment and practical teaching, which in turn enables the view
of the working life and a more enhanced linkage and cooperation in vocational education and training (VET) from the perspective of professional competence.

University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-6788-8ISSN Search the Publication Forum
career theory student selection vocational curriculum vocational education and training vocational skills workplace learning cooperation Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus Tapaustutkimus Haastattelututkimus ammatillinen koulutus työssäoppiminen uranvalinta ammatinvalinta logistiikka-ala kuljetusala ammattitaito opetussuunnitelmat
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