Oppilaiden kanssa vastuuta jakamassa : peruskoulun kahdeksannen luokan oppilaiden autonomian vahvistaminen englannin oppitunneilla samanaikaisopetuksen tuella
The aim of this ethnographic and autoethnographic research was to explore what kind
of a learning culture existed in an 8th grade English class in a Finnish basic education
school in the 2011-2012 academic year. The class was taught jointly by a subject teacher
and a special education teacher. A teaching experiment was implemented with the
support of co-teaching during which teachers aimed to strengthen students' learning
autonomy: to support their active learning and help them act as responsible learners.
The research data included participant observation notes, interviews of a subject
teacher and students, and different kinds of documents produced by teachers and
students during the implementation of the teaching experiment. Students also wrote
their comments about the teaching experiment in the autumn of 2012. During the
lessons students were given guidance in setting their own goals and offered chances to
make personal choices. Elements of inquiry-based learning were added to the teaching
and the instruction was developed by talking more about learning. The aim was to
build students’ learning autonomy but also to develop co-operation between the
subject teacher and special education teacher and improve their skills to work as
reflective professionals so that they could more easily meet both current and future
challenges of teaching. The research suggests that the strengthening of students’
autonomy as a separate element was not meaningful. There were issues of competence
and relatedness which were also experienced as important elements. The teachers had
to learn how to give students real power to influence their learning: a shift in the
structure of classroom power was practiced. The teachers' positive perceptions and
expectations of every student’s achievement were relevant. The research revealed that
the increased possibilities for choices were fairly easy to organize compared to how
relevant they were in developing an expanded culture of learning. The researcher
encountered for herself the differences between espoused theory and theory-in-use.
Co-teaching was a valuable tool for improving both students’ learning and teachers'
acting as reflective practitioners. The development of teaching and learning brought
some elements of care and humanity into renewing teacherhood and evolving school
University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-6570-9ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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