Structure of 115Ag studied by β− decays of 115Pd and 115mPd
Rissanen, J., Kurpeta, J., Elomaa, V.-V., Eronen, T., Hakala, J., Jokinen, A., Kankainen, A., Moore, I., Penttilä, H., Plochocki, A., Saastamoinen, A., Urban, W., Weber, C., & Äystö, J. (2012). Structure of 115Ag studied by β− decays of 115Pd and 115mPd. Physical Review C, 86(3), Article 034337.
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Physical Review CAuthors
© 2012 American Physical Society. Published in this repository with the kind permission of the publisher.
The excited levels of 115Ag have been studied via the beta decay of 115Pd and 115Pdm. The beta-decay schemes
for both states have been considerably extended, especially the scheme following the decay of 115Pdm which was
practically unknown before this work. Transition intensities and log10 f t values are reported, which have been
missing in the literature. A set of levels around 2 MeV has been found to be strongly populated by the beta decay
of the ground state of 115Pd and is suggested to have a three-quasiparticle nature. The properties of excited levels
have been compared with the level systematics of lighter neutron-rich silver isotopes, and new spin assignments
as well as identification of Nilsson states in 115Ag have been made.
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