Motoristen taitojen arviointiin ja niihin liittyvien vaikeuksien tunnistamiseen käytettävän testin kehittäminen 4-6-vuotiaille lapsille
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Studies in sport, physical education and healthAuthors
LiikuntapedagogiikkaThe aim of the research was to develop a motor skills assessment tool for 4-6-
year-old children that would include test items for body awareness and basic
motor skills, therefore demonstrating the children’s motor performance and
related problems and supporting the planning of training programs. First, the
contents of nine existing motor skills assessment tools were analyzed. Then, a
new pilot test was prepared to test a sample group of 906 children (the mean
age 5.1 years, SD 0.41, 48% boys, 52% girls). For the reliability and validity
analysis, 55 simultaneous coding by two testers (r=.844 -.992, p=.01), 30 retests
(r=.823, p = .01), 38 video analyses (test-retest and inter-tester constancy 86-96%)
and 29 tests by MABC (no significant differences) were implemented. Non-
parametric methods were used. The sample was divided into several age
groups: 4.00-4.50 years, 4.51-5.00 years, 5.01-5.50 years and 5.51-6.00 years. The
existing tests analyzed included the most important motor control elements
except for body awareness and dual tasks. The manuals excluded the meaning
of the test items from the process’ point of view and the reasons for failing. In
the KEMO test, body awareness and control correlated with balance, skipping,
and the total score. Children, who failed in the dual or triple tasks, also failed in
several test items and had a low total score. Gender differences were significant
(p = .000 - .05) in the group of 4.5-5.5-year-olds in several test items and with
regard to the total score. Separate criteria were established for boys and girls in
those items. The cut-off points of the test items and the total score are at 5%
(gender ratio 4:1) and 15% (gender ratio 2:1). Problems with one test item
indicates a need for training while a low total score indicates widespread
problems that require therapy, a follow-up, or intervention. The test takes 15-20
minutes to complete.
University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-6428-3ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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