Eettinen organisaatiokulttuuri : yhteydet työhyvinvointiin ja työpaikan vaihtoihin
The research investigated the associations between ethical organizational cul
ture, ethical strain (stress caused by ethical dilemmas) and job turnover. The
first study investigated differences in employees’ ethical strain and their evalua
tions of the ethical culture of their organizations between a public sector city
organization (n = 3,123), an engineering firm (n = 287) and a bank (n = 187). In
the second study, the connections between resources and personal authority for
ethical actions (one dimension of the ethical culture of an organization) and eth
ical strain in social affairs and health services in a public sector city organization
were analyzed at the work-unit (n = 142) level as well as at the employee (n =
1,243) level. In the third study, profiles of employees’ ethical dilemmas in a
public sector city organization (n = 2,470) were identified and differences in job
burnout in these profiles were examined. The fourth study examined the asso
ciations between ethical organizational culture and managers’ (n = 453) job
turnover. The findings showed that the organizations differed in their ethical
culture and employees´ ethical strain. In all organizations, a high ethical culture
was associated with employees’ low ethical strain. In those social affairs and
health work units where the resources and personal authority were considered
low, the ethical strain was higher than it was in other work units. Furthermore,
the weaker the evaluations of possibilities to act ethically were, the more often
ethical dilemmas were faced and the more stress was experienced. The third
study, which was based on a person-oriented approach, showed that for the
profile in which ethical dilemmas were faced weekly, employees reported sig
nificantly more job burnout symptoms than employees in other profiles did.
The study concerning managers indicated that the more weakly the managers
evaluated the congruency of their supervisors’ and upper managements’ ethical
role modelling, the greater the probability of manager turnover was. Overall,
the results showed that ethical organizational culture has a significant role in
promoting occupational well-being and in remaining in the same workplace.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
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Published in
Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research
Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Pihlajasaari, P., Feldt, T., Lämsä, A-M., Huhtala, M. & Tolvanen, A. (2013) Eettinen kuormittuneisuus ja sen yhteydet eettiseen organisaatiokulttuuriin kaupunkiorganisaatiossa, suunnittelutoimistossa ja pankissa. Hallinnon Tutkimus, 32, 75–94. Lue artikkeli
- Artikkeli II: Pihlajasaari, P., Feldt, T., Mauno, S. & Tolvanen, A. (2013). Resurssien ja toimivaltuuksien puute eettisen kuormittuneisuuden riskitekijänä kaupunkiorganisaation sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa. Työelämän tutkimus, 11, 209–222. Lue artikkeli
- Artikkeli III: Pihlajasaari, P., Muotka, J. & Feldt, T. (2015). Eettisten dilemmojen yhteys työuupumukseen kaupunkiorganisaation henkilöstöllä. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti, 52, 282–294. Lehti on vapaasti luettavissa 12 kuukauden kuluttua numeron julkaisemisesta.)
- Artikkeli IV: Pihlajasaari, P., Feldt, T., Mauno, S., Lämsä, A-M. & Huhtala, M. (2014). Seurantatutkimus eettisen organisaatiokultturin yhteydestä johtajien työpaikan vaihtoon. Psykologia, 49, 267–282.