Tunteiden säätely liikuntatunneilla : oppilaiden kokemuksia kiusaamistilanteista ala- ja yläkoulun siirtymävaiheessa
Suvi Suominen (2014). Tunteiden säätely liikuntatunneilla: Oppilaiden kokemuksia kiusaa- mistilanteista ala- ja yläkoulun siirtymävaiheessa. Liikuntakasvatuksen laitos, liikuntapeda- gogiikka ja opettajankoulutuslaitos, kasvatustiede. Jyväskylän yliopisto, pro gradu –tutkielma, 95 s., 3 liitettä.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli saada tietoa 6-7. luokan oppilaiden tunteiden säätelytaidoista liikuntatuntien yhteydessä tapahtuvissa kiusaamistilanteissa. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miten kiusaaminen ilmenee liikuntatunneilla ja millaisia kokemuksia 6. luokan oppilailla on kiu- saamisesta. Lisäksi selvitettiin miten oppilaat säätelevät tunteitaan kiusaamistilanteissa. Tut- kimuksen tarkoituksena oli saada tietoa myös siitä, millaisia muutoksia edellä mainituissa osa-alueissa tapahtuu alakoulusta yläkoulun 7. luokalle siirryttäessä.
Tutkimusaineisto koostui alkutilanteessa keväällä 2013 yhden jyväskyläläisen peruskoulun 6. luokkalaisista. Tutkimukseen osallistuneessa koulussa oli kaksi 6. luokkaa ja kaiken kaikkiaan tutkimukseen osallistui 45 oppilasta, joista tyttöjä oli 20 ja poikia 25. Aineisto kerättiin kyse- lylomakkeella (liite 3) ja haastatteluilla. Kyselylomakkeen kysymykset oli poimittu Liikkuva koulu –hankkeen kyselylomakkeesta, ja siihen vastasi yhteensä 45 oppilasta. Vastauksista muodostettiin kaverisuhteita mittaava sosiogrammi. Vastausten ja sosiogrammin pohjalta haastateltaviksi valittiin 8 oppilasta; neljä kummastakin luokasta ja neljä molempia sukupuo- lia. Haastatteluun valittiin ensisijaisesti kiusattuja ja sellaisia oppilaita, jotka olivat saaneet sosiogrammissa ulkopuolisen roolin. Kiusattuja oli neljä ja ulkopuolisia yksi. Kaksi haastatel- tavaa olivat kiusaajia ja yksi oli sekä kiusaaja että kiusattu.
Tutkimuksen mukaan kaikista tutkimukseen osallistuneista oppilaita 31% ilmoitti joutuneensa kiusatuksi 6. luokan liikuntatuntien aikana. Yleisimmät kiusaamismuodot olivat verbaalisia kuten haukkumista ja nimittelyä. Poikien tunneilla pelitilanteissa saattoi esiintyä myös fyysi- siä kiusaamisen muotoja kuten tönimistä. Haastatteluiden perusteella yläkoulussa liikuntatun- tien aikana tapahtuva kiusaaminen väheni ja loppui kokonaan tytöillä, mutta säilyi pojilla muuttaen muotoaan. Haastatelluista kahdeksasta oppilaasta kiusatut osasivat eritellä hyvin tunteitaan ja tunteiden säätelykeinojaan verrattuna kiusaajiin ja ulkopuolisiin. Sukupuolten välillä ei ollut merkittäviä eroja eri keinojen käyttämisessä, sillä sekä tytöt että pojat käyttivät useammin sisäisiä säätelykeinoja. Näitä olivat esimerkiksi vihan pidättely, asian unohtaminen tai välittämättä oleminen. 7. luokalle siirtymisen jälkeen yhden oppilaan kohdalla kiusatun rooli oli säilynyt, mutta muiden kohdalla vaihtunut.
Liikuntatunneilla tapahtuva kiusaaminen oli vähentynyt yläkouluun siirtymisen jälkeen tytöil- lä, mutta jatkunut ja muuttanut muotoaan pojilla. Tulosten perusteella huomiota tulisi kiinnit- tää poikien liikuntatuntien kilpailuun ja vertailuun perustuvaan ilmapiiriin. Tyttöjen liikunta- tunneilla olisi hyvä huomioida kaveri- ja ryhmäsuhteiden merkitys tuntien toiminnassa. Li- säksi liikuntatunneilla tulisi korostaa avointa, kaikkia hyväksyvää ilmapiiriä ja tukea oppilai- den sosio-emotionaalista kasvua.
Suvi Suominen (2014). Emotion regulation in physical education classes: Students’ experien- ces in bullying situations in primary and secondary school transition. Pro gradu thesis. De- partment of Sport Sciences, sport pedagogy and Department of Teacher Education, education. University of Jyväskylä, 95 pp., 3 appendices. The purpose of this study was to obtain information specific to the emotion regulating skills of grade six and seven students, participating in physical education classes, and within the framework of bullying. This study examines how bullying and discrimination occurs in phys- ical education classes, and the experiences these students have had with bullying. Additional- ly, this study also examines how students regulate their emotions in these bullying situations. Utilizing this data brought us to discover the specific changes that occur in the above men- tioned subareas, during the transition from primary school to secondary school. Data collected was acquired from one primary school (6th graders) in Jyvaskyla: two classes with 45 students, 20 of which were girls, and 25 were boys, all of whom participated in inter- views, and filled out questionnaires. (Appendix 3). All 45 students answered questions that were extracted from the Liikuva - Koulu projects questionnaire, and from the answers a soci- ogram was formed, measuring relationships of these students. Based on the answers from the questionnaires and subsequent sociogram, 8 students were selected to be interviewed; four from each class, and four from both sexes. The main objective was identification of students in primary school that were bullied, and bullied students that existed in the external role of the sociogram; these students were then selected to be interviewed. 4 students were bullied; 1 was externally; 2 students were bullies, and 1 student had the dual role of being a bully, and being bullied. According to the study, 31% of all participants stated that they were bullied during sixth- grade physical education classes. In the boys classes, the most common forms of bullying were castigation (berating or chastising), and sometimes physical (pushing). Physical forms were used during the games. The interviews also indicated that bullying actually decreased and stopped altogether for the girls, but still remained in a different form for those boys be- tween primary and secondary school. Bullied students were better able to analyze their feel- ings and emotion regulation skills than those students that were identified as bullies (internal- ly and externally from the sociogram). Additionally, there was no significant difference be- tween genders regarding the use of regulation skills, because girls and boys both utilized in- ternal regulation skills when dealing with bullying or being bullied - holding back their anger, ignoring the situation as it happens, or forgetting the situation entirely. After school transition showed one student remained as a victim, but changed for others. In summary: Bullying during physical education classes decreased for girls in the transition from primary to secondary school, but continued and increased for boys. Based on these re- sults, specific attention should be given for boys in a competitive and comparison based at- mosphere, and provide for an open and approving environment that supports students socio- emotional growth in physical education classes.
Suvi Suominen (2014). Emotion regulation in physical education classes: Students’ experien- ces in bullying situations in primary and secondary school transition. Pro gradu thesis. De- partment of Sport Sciences, sport pedagogy and Department of Teacher Education, education. University of Jyväskylä, 95 pp., 3 appendices. The purpose of this study was to obtain information specific to the emotion regulating skills of grade six and seven students, participating in physical education classes, and within the framework of bullying. This study examines how bullying and discrimination occurs in phys- ical education classes, and the experiences these students have had with bullying. Additional- ly, this study also examines how students regulate their emotions in these bullying situations. Utilizing this data brought us to discover the specific changes that occur in the above men- tioned subareas, during the transition from primary school to secondary school. Data collected was acquired from one primary school (6th graders) in Jyvaskyla: two classes with 45 students, 20 of which were girls, and 25 were boys, all of whom participated in inter- views, and filled out questionnaires. (Appendix 3). All 45 students answered questions that were extracted from the Liikuva - Koulu projects questionnaire, and from the answers a soci- ogram was formed, measuring relationships of these students. Based on the answers from the questionnaires and subsequent sociogram, 8 students were selected to be interviewed; four from each class, and four from both sexes. The main objective was identification of students in primary school that were bullied, and bullied students that existed in the external role of the sociogram; these students were then selected to be interviewed. 4 students were bullied; 1 was externally; 2 students were bullies, and 1 student had the dual role of being a bully, and being bullied. According to the study, 31% of all participants stated that they were bullied during sixth- grade physical education classes. In the boys classes, the most common forms of bullying were castigation (berating or chastising), and sometimes physical (pushing). Physical forms were used during the games. The interviews also indicated that bullying actually decreased and stopped altogether for the girls, but still remained in a different form for those boys be- tween primary and secondary school. Bullied students were better able to analyze their feel- ings and emotion regulation skills than those students that were identified as bullies (internal- ly and externally from the sociogram). Additionally, there was no significant difference be- tween genders regarding the use of regulation skills, because girls and boys both utilized in- ternal regulation skills when dealing with bullying or being bullied - holding back their anger, ignoring the situation as it happens, or forgetting the situation entirely. After school transition showed one student remained as a victim, but changed for others. In summary: Bullying during physical education classes decreased for girls in the transition from primary to secondary school, but continued and increased for boys. Based on these re- sults, specific attention should be given for boys in a competitive and comparison based at- mosphere, and provide for an open and approving environment that supports students socio- emotional growth in physical education classes.
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Master thesis
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