Case Peurunka : the essence of wellbeing - customer perspective
2014Changes in the contemporary population structures have created a number of new opportunities for the wellbeing tourism industry worldwide. In Finland, one of the wellbeing tourism destinations going through these changes is the Spa Hotel and Rehabilitation Foundation Peurunka. Originally built in 1974 for the rehabilitation of the Finnish war veterans, Peurunka is nowadays developing its health and physical activity services to attract more recreational wellbeing tourists alongside the rehabilitees. In addition to the change of the clientele and as a result of more stressful and hectic lifestyles, individuals are more willing to invest in their wellbeing. This generates great potential for wellbeing operators to meet the growing demand by offering more extensive services and products to nurture holistic wellbeing.
Despite its significance in the field of wellbeing tourism, customers’ perceptions of wellbeing have been studied relatively little in the academic context. Thus, this case study seeks to provide new knowledge and information about how customers define and perceive wellbeing and what kind of differences there are in the perceptions between different customer types. The research conducted in spring 2013 focuses on wellbeing through the eyes of 18 customers of Peurunka. The data consists of 14 theme interviews which were analyzed with the method of thematic content analysis.
Guided by the data-driven hermeneutic and phenomenological research approach, six ideal wellbeing types were established as a result of this study: 1) socially oriented type, 2) physical activity -oriented type, 3) work-oriented type, 4) money and service -oriented type, 5) health-oriented type and 6) recreation-oriented type. These types complement the previously founded three customer profiles of Peurunka and serve as characterizations of the nature of wellbeing tourists. They can be utilized in the development and marketing of the wellbeing tourism products and services. Furthermore, the results of the study present unexpected findings in terms of physical activities connected to wellbeing. Interestingly, wellbeing related to physical activity emerged as a negative connotation in one third of the interviews.
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Essence of wellbeing - customer perspectiveMetadata
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- Pro gradu -tutkielmat [29758]
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