Cellular factors promoting efficient baculovirus internalization and gene delivery into human cells
University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-5425-3ISSN Search the Publication Forum
1456-9701Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Laakkonen J.P., Mäkelä A.R., Kakkonen E., Turkki P., Kukkonen S., Peränen J., Ylä-Herttuala S., Airenne K.J., Oker-Blom C., Vihinen-Ranta M. and Marjomäki V. 2009. Clathrin-independent entry of baculovirus triggers uptake of E. coli in non-phagocytic human cells. PLoS ONE 4(4): e5093. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0005093.
- Artikkeli II: Makkonen KE., Turkki P., Laakkonen J.P., Ylä-Herttuala S., Marjomäki V., Airenne K. 2013. 6-O sulfated and N-sulfated syndecan-1 promotes baculovirus binding and entry into mammalian cells. Journal of Virology. 87:20 11148-11159. Please see.
- Artikkeli III: Turkki P., Makkonen KE., Huttunen M., Laakkonen J.P., Ylä-Herttuala S., Airenne K., Marjomäki V. 2013. Cell susceptibility to baculovirus transduction and echovirus infection is modified by PKC phosphorylation and vimentin organization. Journal of Virology. 87:17 9822-9835. Please see.
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