Making Sense of Senses. Interview with Dorothy Noyes
Koskinen-Koivisto, E. (2010). Making Sense of Senses. Interview with Dorothy Noyes. Elore, 1/2010 (17). Retrieved from
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© Suomen Kansantietouden Tutkijain Seura ry
I interviewed Dorothy Noyes, Director of the Center for Folklore Studies, and As- sociate Professor of English, Comparative Studies, and Anthropology Ohio State University, Columbus (United States). Currently, her research interests involve the collective representations of plural societies, the social organization of vernacular creativity, and the history of international cultural regimes. Her primary fieldwork is in Catalonia, Spain, where she has studied the politics of local festivities. It was her book Fire in the Plaça (2003) that put some questions to my head about senses and encouraged me to get engaged with sensual experiences of ethnographic fieldwork.
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