Matemaattis-luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta: viimeksi lisätyt
Aineistot 91-95 / 6107
Simulaatio yhdistää kokeen ja teorian
(Tieteellisten seurain valtuuskunta, 2009)Nanotiede on ensisijaisesti kokeellinen tiede, mutta kokeiden tulkitsemiseksi täytyy simuloida teoriaa; simuloinnin rooli teorian ja kokeiden yhdistäjänä ei ole aina helppo. -
One molecule to couple them all : Toward realistic numbers of molecules in multiscale molecular dynamics simulations of exciton-polaritons
(American Institute of Physics, 2024)Collective strong coupling of many molecules to the confined light modes of an optical resonator can influence the photochemistry of these molecules, but the origin of this effect is not yet fully understood. To provide ... -
Pre‐service teachers' collaborative learning and role‐based drama activity in a virtual reality environment
(Wiley, 2024)Background In recent years, the use of virtual reality (VR) environments for education has gained interest in research and education. However, little is known about the potential of social VR environments for collaborative ... -
Forest restoration benefits common and rare wood-decomposing fungi with a delay
(Elsevier, 2024)Decline in the amount of dead wood deteriorates habitats for saproxylic organisms globally. This could be compensated by restoration, but it is poorly understood how created dead wood corresponds to the habitat requirements ... -
The rank-one theorem on RCD spaces
(Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2024)We extend Alberti’s rank-one theorem to RCD(K, N) metric measure spaces