Now showing items 131-135 of 2259

    • An experimental design for comparing interactive methods based on their desirable properties 

      Afsar, Bekir; Silvennoinen, Johanna; Ruiz, Francisco; Ruiz, Ana B.; Misitano, Giovanni; Miettinen, Kaisa (Springer Science+Business Media, 2024)
      In multiobjective optimization problems, Pareto optimal solutions representing different tradeoffs cannot be ordered without incorporating preference information of a decision maker (DM). In interactive methods, the DM ...
    • Willingness to pay for freemium services : Addressing the differences between monetization strategies 

      Tyrväinen, Olli; Karjaluoto, Heikki (Elsevier, 2024)
      Freemium business models are a potential monetization strategy wherein companies can persuade consumers to buy premium services by offering a free version with limited functionalities and then benefitting by selling a ...
    • More ConvNets in the 2020s : Scaling up Kernels Beyond 51x51 using Sparsity 

      Liu, Shiwei; Chen, Tianlong; Chen, Xiaohan; Chen, Xuxi; Xiao, Qiao; Wu, Boqian; Kärkkäinen, Tommi; Pechenizkiy, Mykola; Mocanu, Decebal Constantin; Wang, Zhangyang (, 2023)
      Transformers have quickly shined in the computer vision world since the emergence of Vision Transformers (ViTs). The dominant role of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) seems to be challenged by increasingly effective ...
    • Advancing Nanoscale Computing : Efficient Reversible ALU in Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata 

      Nemattabar, Shahrokh; Mosleh, Mohammad; Haghparast, Majid; Kheyrandish, Mohammad (Elsevier, 2024)
      This paper presents a significant contribution to the field of nanoscale computing by proposing an innovative reversible Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) implemented in Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (QCA). Reversible logic ...
    • Analysis of the Next Evolution of Security Audit Criteria 

      Nykänen, Riku; Kelo, Tomi; Kärkkäinen, Tommi (ArmisteadTEC, 2023)
      Security assessments are performed for multiple reasons, including compliance with the information security regulation. Amongst other objectives, regulatory requirements are created to increase the ...