Mental Models, Magical Thinking, and Individual Differences
Turner, P. & Sobolewska, E. (2009). Mental Models, Magical Thinking, and Individual Differences. Human Technology, Volume 5 (1), pp. 90-113. URN: NBN:fi:jyu-20094141412. Retrieved from
© 2009 Phil Turner & Emilia Sobolewska, and the Agora Center, University of Jyväskylä
Broadly, there are two mutually exclusive accounts of how people (nonspecialist
users) reason about and conceptualize interactive technology. The first is
based on classical cognitive psychology and is characterized by the term mental model.
The second, drawing on concepts from social cognition, observes that people often
anthropomorphize technology. We argue that people are able to exhibit both of these
quite different styles of cognition, which Baron-Cohen has described as systemizing and
empathizing. The former is associated with the drive to analyze, explore, and construct a
system, whereas the latter is the ability to spontaneously tune into another’s thoughts
and feelings. The propensity to systemize might give rise to a mental model, while the
empathizing tendency might tend to anthropomorphize technology. We present an
empirical study that lends support for the above position.
University of Jyväskylä, Agora CenterISSN Search the Publication Forum
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- Human technology [245]
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