Lordan, Colm; Orio, Alessandro; Kempf, Alexander; Pierucci, Andrea; Kuparinen, Anna; Rindorf, Anna; Peyronnet, Arnaud; Wilson, Ashley; Albertsen, Christoffer Moesgaard; Konrad, Christoph; Sparrevohn, Claus Reedtz; Minto, Cóilín; Howell, Daniel; Gilljam, David; Miller, David; Garcia, Dorleta; Armelloni, Enrico; Abad, Esther; Masnadi, Francesco; Scarcella, Giuseppe; Dingsør, Gjert Endre; Winker, Henning; Sparholt, Henrik; Farias, Inês; Horbowy, Jan; Lecomte, Jean-Baptiste; Hutchings, Jeffrey A.; Fall, Johanna; Lövgren, Johan; Simmonds, John; Shrives, Jonathan; De Oliveira, José; Hommik, Kristiina; Kell, Laurence; Vansteenbrugge, Lies; Borges, Lisa; Batts, Luke; Taylor, Marc; Pastoors, Martin; Scanu, Martina; Cardinale, Massimiliano; Gras, Michaël; van Deurs, Mikael; Goñi, Nicolas; Graham, Norman; Silvar Viladomiu, Paula; Sampedro, Paz; Hilborn, Ray; Sharma, Rishi; Millar, Sarah; Nimmegeers, Sofie; Miethe, Tanja; Perälä, Tommi; Bartolino, Valerio (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, 2022)
The ICES Workshop on ICES reference points (WKREF2) was tasked review the WKREF1 report and based on the outcome develop updated guidelines for the ICES reference points system and recommendations for ACOM consideration. ...