Verkkokoekalastus ja merkintä-takaisinpyynti metsäjärvien kalakantojen ja kalayhteisön rakenteen arvioinnissa
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Workshop on ICES reference points (WKREF2)
Lordan, Colm; Orio, Alessandro; Kempf, Alexander; Pierucci, Andrea; Kuparinen, Anna; Rindorf, Anna; Peyronnet, Arnaud; Wilson, Ashley; Albertsen, Christoffer Moesgaard; Konrad, Christoph; Sparrevohn, Claus Reedtz; Minto, Cóilín; Howell, Daniel; Gilljam, David; Miller, David; Garcia, Dorleta; Armelloni, Enrico; Abad, Esther; Masnadi, Francesco; Scarcella, Giuseppe; Dingsør, Gjert Endre; Winker, Henning; Sparholt, Henrik; Farias, Inês; Horbowy, Jan; Lecomte, Jean-Baptiste; Hutchings, Jeffrey A.; Fall, Johanna; Lövgren, Johan; Simmonds, John; Shrives, Jonathan; De Oliveira, José; Hommik, Kristiina; Kell, Laurence; Vansteenbrugge, Lies; Borges, Lisa; Batts, Luke; Taylor, Marc; Pastoors, Martin; Scanu, Martina; Cardinale, Massimiliano; Gras, Michaël; van Deurs, Mikael; Goñi, Nicolas; Graham, Norman; Silvar Viladomiu, Paula; Sampedro, Paz; Hilborn, Ray; Sharma, Rishi; Millar, Sarah; Nimmegeers, Sofie; Miethe, Tanja; Perälä, Tommi; Bartolino, Valerio (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, 2022)The ICES Workshop on ICES reference points (WKREF2) was tasked review the WKREF1 report and based on the outcome develop updated guidelines for the ICES reference points system and recommendations for ACOM consideration. ... -
Roach and perch stocks recovered rapidly from 3-year removal fishing : long-term multi-mesh gill net monitoring in small humic lakes
Karjalainen, Juha; Keskinen, Tapio; Ruokonen, Timo J.; Marjomäki, Timo J. (Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2023)Kalatiheyden, -biomassan ja -yhteisön koostumuksen tunteminen on tärkeää kalastuksen ohjauksessa, kalataloudellisen hyödyntämispotentiaalin arvioinnissa, järviekosysteemien ekologisen tilan määrityksessä sekä ... -
Competition between marine mammals and fisheries in contemporary harvested marine ecosystems
Jusufovski, Dunja; Saavedra, Camilo; Kuparinen, Anna (Inter-Research Science Publisher, 2019)Competitive interactions between marine mammals and fisheries represent some of the most complex challenges in marine resource management worldwide. The development of commercial fisheries and recovering marine mammal ... -
Genetic-based evaluation of management units for sustainable vendace (Coregonus albula) fisheries in a large lake system
Karjalainen, Juha; Sjövik, Rosanna; Väänänen, Tuula; Sävilammi, Tiina; Sundberg, Lotta-Riina; Uusi-Heikkilä, Silva; Marjomäki, Timo J. (Elsevier, 2022)The goal of the processing industry, trade and consumers is to get eco-labelled freshwater fish products from sustainable fisheries into the market as soon as possible. The fourth largest natural lake system in Europe, the ...
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