Finlandssvenskt sje-, tje- och s-ljud i kontrastiv belysning
FL Kari Leinosen pohjoismaisten kielten väitöstutkimus liittyy laajempaan projektiin Finlandssvenskt uttal, jossa pyritään kuvaamaan suomenruotsin foneettista rakennetta sekä sen segmentaalisia eli yksittäisiin äänteisiin liittyviä piirteitä että prosodisia kuten kielen rytmiin, painotukseen, sävelkulkuun ja pituuksiin liittyviä piirteitä. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee suomenruotsin suhuäänteitä sje (kuten sanassa sjö), tje (kuten sanassa köp) ja s (kuten sanassa sil). Näitä äänteitä analysoidaan sekä akustiselta että perseptoriselta eli tunnistuksen kannalta. Akustinen analyysi tarkoittaa sitä, että mitataan, millä taajuudella voimakas kohina kussakin näistä äänteistä alkaa ja miten ne tässä suhteessa eroavat toisistaan. This thesis presents an acoustical and perceptual analysis of Finland-Swedish (FS) /S/, /t‚/ and /s/ in relation to the same phonemes in Sweden-Swedish (SS). Acoustical comparisons with Finnish (F) /S/ and /s/ have also been made. Acoustical analyses of /S/ reveal that there are two types of pronunciation of this phoneme in FS. In the main type the strong friction begins at the frequencies from 2600 – 2900 Hz, in the other type at 1700 – 2100 Hz. The friction in /t‚/ covers the same frequencies as in /S/. The SS persons realized the phoneme /S/ before a stressed vowel as [ê] – [êf] , the friction beginning at about 1300 Hz. The friction in the phoneme /‚/ begins at 2700 – 3200 Hz. This means that FS /S/ and SS /‚/ overlap in part. The friction in /s/ begins at higher frequencies in SS than in FS. A special investigation revealed that there are some FS persons who realize the phoneme /t‚/ as the fricative [‚] instead of the normal FS affricate [t‚], in the same way as happens in SS.In the first of the perceptual analyses, SS listeners tried to identify FS speakers´ /S/, /t‚/ and /s/, while FS listeners tried to identify SS speakers´ /S/, /‚/ and /s/. The partial overlapping of SS /‚/ and FS /S/ was obviously responsible for more than half of the identifications by both listener groups not being successful. The result can be regarded as evidence of the informants´ defective knowledge of each other´s sibilant systems. FS listeners surprisingly also identified about a quarter of the SS allophones [ê] – [êf] as /‚/ instead of /S/. In the second of the perceptual analyses, FS listeners and SS listeners identified two series of 100 synthesized single words as skäck (/S/), käck /‚/) or säck (/s/). 88 of these words were based on natural words with the fricatives [S], [§], [‚] and [s]. These fricatives were manipulated so that the beginning of the friction was moved in steps of 100 Hz upwards and downwards in frequency. To these words were added 12 further words containing the SS allophones [ê] – [êf], which FS listeners did not succeed to identify very well in this test, either. Both FS and SS listeners identified the fricatives at 3500 Hz and upwards as the phoneme /s/. SS listeners identified the fricatives at 2200 – 3100 Hz mainly as /‚/ and at the lower frequencies as /S/, whereas the identificiation as /S/ was dominant among the FS listeners at all these frequencies and the difference between the identifications as /S/ and as /‚/ was constant. FS listeners do not have a good command of the SS fricative system.
Jyväskylän yliopistoISBN
951-39-1828-9ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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- Väitöskirjat [3520]
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