Yrittäjyyskasvatuksen kolme diskurssia
Liisa Remeksen väitöstutkimuksen keskeinen teesi on, että yrittäjyyskasvatuksen oppimisjärjestelyjen on viestittävä yrittäjyydestä toimintatapana. Keskeisiksi näyttävät silloin nousevan keskusteleminen ja yhteistoiminta.Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, mitä on yrittäjyyskasvatuksen oppi oppimisesta eli sille luonteenomainen pedagogia. Kysymys on keskeinen yrittäjyyden sosialisaation kannalta. - Jos nimittäin yrittäjyyskasvatuksella halutaan tavoitella yrittäjyyden lisääntymistä yhteiskunnassa, yrittäjyyskasvatuksen oppimisen järjestelyjen tulee palvella tätä tarkoitusta. Koulussa tämä merkitsee keskusteluyhteyttä ja yhteistoimintaa kaikkien siihen liittyvien toimijoiden välillä, Remes painottaa. This research focuses on the importance of Entrepreneurial Learning and its practical contributions within the Finnish obligatory school system.? The research questions are bound up with two problems concerning Entrepreneurial Learning and the previous research (in adult education) within the topic. The first of these is to do with the logos and laws of Entrepreneurial Learning during the period of compulsary education and the second with its lack of a scientific discourse. At the same time, it is an illustration of the research process, which involved developing and implementing a teaching experiment concerned from science and practice. Discourse analysis theory is traced to its three traditions, with Entrepreneurial Learning and its social and communal environment. The problems are approached combining multi-methodologically the knowledge gained which shows its three different research methods. They are named after the birthplace of the theoretical tradition as the Anglo-American, the French and the German research method of discourse analysis. The different discourse analytical research methods enrich the definitions of the pedagogy of Entrepreneurial Learning. Discourse analysis is used as a triangulation of paradigms within the research. The Anglo-american discourse analysis corresponds to the technical discourse of Entrepreneurial Learning. Entrepreneurship Education can then be seen as a learning substance, which can be taught as a subject of instruction at school. French discourse analysis explains the conditions and premises of putting pedagogical arrangements into the practice. Thus it can be seen that Anglo-American discourse posits Entrepreneurship as Knowledge, whereas the French discourse views it as a way to obtain knowledge. These two discourses have developed from scientific discussions of the topic. When the technical and practical discourses of Entrepreneurial Learning are understood, it is possible to construct the practical contribution. This research opens up the emancipatory discourse of Entrepreneurial Learning. As a result, the pedagogy of Entrepreneurial Learning can be revealed as a technical discourse of its own subject. If this is put into action without the practical discourse, Entrepreneurship Education can cause socialisation to values and attitudes, which are opposed to entrepreneurship and typical for unentrepreneurial behaviour such as adhering to rigid organizational structures. Following from this, the practical contributions are analysed and reflected against the technical and practical discourses. This gives an emancipatory discourse, which explains the practical point of view of the pedagogy of Entrepreneurship Education.

Jyväskylän yliopistoISBN
951-39-1426-7ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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