Learning to read : reciprocal processes and individual pathways
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Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social researchTekijät
KasvatustiedeMarja-Kristiina Lerkkanen seurasi väitöstutkimuksessaan 1-2. luokan oppilaiden lukemaan oppimisen oppimisprosesseja. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että suomalaislapset oppivat nopeasti peruslukutaidon. Sen sijaan luetun ymmärtämisen taidot vaatisivat enemmän harjoittelua.Pitkittäisseurannassa tunnistettiin kolme erilaista lukijaryhmää. Kompetentit lukijat lukivat sujuvasti ja ymmärsivät lukemaansa. Tekniset lukijat lukivat yhtä sujuvasti kuin kompetentit lukijat, mutta heillä oli ongelmia luetun ymmärtämisessä. Heikot lukijat olivat edellisiä heikompia peruslukemisessa ja yhtä heikkoja kuin tekniset lukijat luetun ymmärtämisessä. Kansainvälisistä tutkimuksista poiketen Lerkkanen havaitsi, ettei ns. Matteus-efekti (hyvät paranevat ja heikot heikkenevät) toteutunut suomalaisten lasten kohdalla, vaan myös heikot aloittajat oppivat lukemaan ja siirtyivät taitavampiin ryhmiin. Suomessa on myös hyvin harvinaista jäädä täysin lukutaidottomaksi. The purpose of the present thesis was to investigate the critical factors in learning to read. The research questions were: (1) what are the antecedents for the development of skilled reading performance; (2) what are the prospective relationships between phonemic awareness and reading performance during the first grade; (3) what are the prospective relationships between reading performance and writing performance during the first grade; and (4) what kinds of developmental trajectories can be identified in children’s reading performance during the first and the second grade. Four studies based on the same dataset were the outcome. The sample size was 114. First, initial reading-related skills were assessed. Word reading and reading comprehension were assessed four times during the first grade and twice during the second grade. Spelling and productive writing were also assessed four times and phonemic skills were assessed three times during the first grade. The results revealed that: (1) the development of reading performance was predicted by different antecedents depending on the phase of reading acquisition a child had reached; (2) letter knowledge, listening comprehension and visual-motor ability predicted word reading whereas initial reading skill and listening comprehension predicted reading comprehension; (3) a reciprocal relationship between phonemic awareness and reading performance existed during the first grade; (4) reciprocity between reading and spelling existed in the beginning phases of reading instruction whereas by the end of the first grade reading performance predicted spelling in a unidirectional manner; (5) productivity of writing predicted the development of reading performance during the first grade; (6) Competent, Technical and Poor Reader groups were identified; (7) Poor readers frequently moved to more skilled groups during the course of the first and second grades; (8) learning paths were individually constructed; and (9) progressive and regressive reading curves, in relative terms, existed among the seven typical learning paths. The findings suggest that the relationships between various literacy skills have to be taken into account when planning balanced reading instruction for school beginners
University of JyväskyläISBN
951-39-1782-7ISSN Hae Julkaisufoorumista
Näytä kaikki kuvailutiedotKokoelmat
- Väitöskirjat [3607]
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