Yttrandets yttre form och avsedda funktion : en studie över de olika meningstypernas primära och sekundära illokuta funktioner i serietidningstexter
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Contemplating space syntax and leadership in daycare settings
Dimkar, Ana (2016)Space is an element in almost every organization that has not been observed nor studied in depth. Therefore, recent studies are taking many perspectives on space and examining its importance within the organization. In ... -
SQL error messages that hinder the syntax error correction
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Constructed Action, the Clause and the Nature of Syntax in Finnish Sign Language
Jantunen, Tommi (De Gruyter Open, 2017)This paper investigates the interplay of constructed action and the clause in Finnish Sign Language (FinSL). Constructed action is a form of gestural enactment in which the signers use their hands, face and other parts of ... -
Arithmetic, Logic, Syntax and MathCheck
Valmari, Antti; Rantala, Johanna (SciTePress, 2019)MathCheck is a web-based tool for checking all steps of solutions to mathematics, logic and theoretical computer science problems, instead of checking just the final answers. It can currently deal with seven problem types ... -
A replication study on the intuitiveness of programming language syntax
Lappi, Vilma; Tirronen, Ville; Itkonen, Jonne (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023)In this article, we present a replication of an empirical experiment that evaluates intuitiveness and comprehensibility of keywords relating to different concepts in programming languages, originally conducted by Stefik ...