Original data for publication: Enriched rearing environment enhances fitness-related traits of salmonid fishes facing multiple biological interactions
Alkuperäinen aineisto julkaisulle: Enriched rearing environment enhances fitness-related traits of salmonid fishes facing multiple biological interactions
Karvonen, Anssi; Klemme, Ines; Räihä, Ville; Hyvärinen, Pekka. (2023). Original data for publication: Enriched rearing environment enhances fitness-related traits of salmonid fishes facing multiple biological interactions. V. 10.8.2023. University of Jyväskylä. 10.17011/jyx/dataset/88514
Karvonen, Anssi
The data file contains original data for two experiments described in the publication: Karvonen A., Klemme I., Räihä V., Hyvärinen P. 2023. Enriched rearing environment enhances fitness-related traits of salmonid fishes facing multiple biological interactions. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. doi 10.1139/cjfas-2023-0083.
Authors and contact information:- Anssi Karvonen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, anssi.karvonen@jyu.fi
- Ines Klemme, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, ines.klemme@jyu.fi
- Ville Räihä, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- Pekka Hyvärinen, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), pekka.hyvarinen@luke.fi
1. Data file: experiment1.csv
variables:- fish_IDunique fish identifier for the passive integrated transponder of the experimental fish
- populationone of five fish populations of origin
- rearingone of two fish rearing treatments, either ‘standard’ or ‘enriched’
- infectionone of two fish infection status, either uninfected (0) or infected (1)
- lengthbody length (mm), measured directly before stocking to experimental tanks
- cataractaverage percentage of cataract coverage across both eyes estimated directly before stocking to experimental tanks
- tankone of eight unique experimental tank identifiers for the experimental replicates
- predatorone of two predation treatments in the tanks, either predator absent (0) or predator present (1)
- ant_streambinary, detection of fish at the stream-side antenna in the tank, categorized as no detection (0) and detection (1)
- ant_poolbinary, detection of fish at the pool-side antenna in the tank, categorized as no detection (0) and detection (1), the latter indicating entry into the pool
- latency_entrylatency to the first entry into pool (hours since the start of the experiment)
- changesnumber of changes between the stream and the pool side of the experimental tank
- time_poolproportion of time spent in pool side of the tank throughout the experiment
- growthpercentage change in body length from the beginning until the end of the experiment
- survivalfish survival categorized as either not survived (0) or survived (1)
2. Data file: experiment2.csv
variables:- fish_IDunique fish identifier for the passive integrated transponder of the experimental fish
- populationone of five fish populations of origin
- rearingone of two fish rearing treatments, either ‘standard’ or ‘enriched’
- infectionone of two fish infection status, either uninfected (0) or infected (1)
- lengthbody length (mm), measured before experiment 2
- cataractaverage percentage of cataract coverage across both eyes
- tankone of four unique experimental tank identifiers for the experimental replicates
- timeone of two time points of recording measurements, March 2018 (1) and July 2018 (2)
- growthpercentage change in body length
- survivalfish survival categorized as either not survived (0) or survived (1)
University of JyväskyläKeywords
Dataset in research information system
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- Tutkimusdata [291]
Related funder(s)
Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Lapland; Suomen Akatemia; Lapin ELY-keskus; Academy of FinlandFunding program(s)
Akatemiatutkijan tutkimuskulut, SA; Research costs of Academy Research Fellow, AoF; Akatemiahanke, SA; Others; Academy Project, AoF; Muut
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