Näytä suppeat kuvailutiedot

dc.contributor.advisorHaapala, Eero
dc.contributor.advisorEngberg, Elina
dc.contributor.authorÖhman, Lilja
dc.description.abstractBackground Previous research suggests that family background has an impact on children's health behaviors such as the amount of physical activity (PA), sleep, and screen time. One factor in family background that is considered to be linked to children's health behavior is the family's socioeconomic status. The aim of the dissertation was to examine whether physical activity, sleep, and screen time vary among 3–4-year-old children depending on their parents' educational level and household income level. Additionally, the aim was to investigate any gender differences and the percentage of children who meet the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations regarding physical activity, sedentary behavior, sleep, and screen time according to socioeconomic status. Methods Data collection for the cross-sectional study was conducted in Southern Finland in the spring of 2022. A total of 59 children participated in the study, of which data from 42 participants (boys 18 [43%]) and girls 24 [57%]) could be used for the aim of the study. Of the participating children's guardians (n=42), 6 (14%) were men and 36 (86%) were women. Children's PA was measured using the ActiGraph GT3X-BT accelerometer for 5 days. Data on sleep, screen time, and family socioeconomic status were collected through a questionnaire answered by the parents. Income levels were divided into three groups: <3000€, 3000€ -4999€, and 5000€ -10,000€. Educational levels were divided into three groups: low (high school or lower), medium (lower-level university degree/institute-level diploma), and high (higher-level university degree, licentiate/doctorate). Results There were statistically significant differences in the amount of PA in relation to parents' educational level (moderate PA p=0.034, moderate and vigorous PA p=0.043, total PA p=0.040). Children of parents with a higher educational level spent more time being physically active compared to children of parents with a lower educational level. Sleep and screen time did not vary statistically significantly among educational levels. There were no statistically significant differences between children´s genders. There were also no statistically significant differences in meeting the WHO recommendations in relation to family socioeconomic status. Conclusions The results of the dissertation indicate that there is a relationship between parents' educational level and children's physical activity already at an early age. Suggestions for future research include conducting studies on a larger population to draw conclusions at the population level.en
dc.rightsIn Copyright
dc.subject.otherfamiljens socioekonomiska ställning
dc.subject.otherfysisk aktivitet
dc.titleBarns fysiska aktivitet, sömn och skärmtid i relation till familjens socioekonomiska ställning : en tvärsnittsstudie gjord på finska 3–4-åriga barn och deras föräldrar : SUNRISE Finland pilotstudie
dc.type.ontasotMaster’s thesisen
dc.type.ontasotPro gradu -tutkielmafi
dc.contributor.tiedekuntaLiikuntatieteellinen tiedekuntafi
dc.contributor.tiedekuntaFaculty of Sport and Health Sciencesen
dc.contributor.laitosLiikunta- ja terveystieteetfi
dc.contributor.laitosSport and Health Sciencesen
dc.contributor.yliopistoJyväskylän yliopistofi
dc.contributor.yliopistoUniversity of Jyväskyläen
dc.contributor.oppiaineSport Medicineen
dc.rights.copyright© The Author(s)
dc.subject.ysolapset (ikäryhmät)
dc.subject.ysofyysinen aktiivisuus
dc.subject.ysouni (lepotila)
dc.subject.ysososioekonominen asema
dc.subject.ysolapset (perheenjäsenet)

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Näytä suppeat kuvailutiedot

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