Lingvodidaktičeskie funkcii rolevoj igry kak sredstva obučeniâ kommunikativnomu povedeniû : iz opyta obučeniâ russkomu jazyku kak inostrannomu
Julkaistu sarjassa
Studia Philologica JyväskyläensiaTekijät
Aineistoon pääsyä on rajoitettu tekijänoikeussyistä. Aineisto on luettavissa Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjaston arkistotyöasemalta.
The main purpose of this study is to take a fresh look at the tasks and functions of roleplay within the context of teaching communicative behavior. The subject of this study is current in the modem Teaching of Russian as a Foreign language. Great attention is being paid nowadays to the substantial role of socio-linguistic and socio-cultural factors within speech activity. In the present study we have carried out an investigation of modern approaches towards the teaching of Foreign languages on the basis of recent works in the Theory of Speech acts, Socio- and Psycholinguistics, Language and Cultural Studies, and theories of Communicative Behavior. All the facts referred to within the study are aimed to determine the interest for role-play from the point of view of teaching national communicative behavior. The latter is considered as a complex of norms and traditions of communication that the members of a particular national culture are accustomed to. This study focuses on the verbal aspects of national communicative behavior and particularly one of its' main components - speech-behavioral tactics. The latter is understood as a "logo-epistemic unit" (Vereschagin, Kostomarov 2000) in which the mental program of a language function is embodied as a specially organized chain of verbal acts. The verbal communicative behavior of native speakers is realized through the multiplicity of speech-behavioral tactics. We assume that students will benefit from taking part in role-plays that are organized as a complex training in communications ai1d carried out as a series of different situations with a wide rai1ge of social and personal roles. It will help them to develop their own speech-behavioral tactics in Russian and to improve their ability to make contact with native speakers. In present studies it has been both theoretically proven and experimentally confirmed that this use of role-play in certain stages of the teaching process does help the complex development of all communicative abilities. The main methods of research that we applied were: teaching experiments, qualitative and quantitative statistic analyses of experimental data, language testing and questionnaires.
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- Väitöskirjat [3607]
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