Kansakoululaisen lauluaarteisto: Jälleenrakennusajalta tutut laulut ikäihmisten laulukokemuksissa ja muistoissa
This dissertation explores the significance given to childhood songs by older Finnish adults. The investigation focuses specifically on the cultural generation known as ‘the children of the years of rebuilding,’ who attended elementary school in Finland after the Second World War, between 1945 and 1959. Many of the past school songs are still popular singalong songs among Finnish elderly, but these may represent values that contradict the current values of modern society. This research helps to clarify, how the aged people understand the songs they have sung and heard during their early years and what kind of memories these songs evoke for them.
The ethnographic qualitative research data was collected in 2019 from 20 elderly participants living in senior housing units in Central Finland, who were cognitively fit. Participants gathered in small groups to sing, listen to, and reminisce music from their school years. The primary data comprises videotaped singalong and reminiscence sessions in small groups, and paper questionnaires. The supplement data consists of audiotaped individual interviews. The analysis focuses on the participants’ verbal, bodily and written expressions. The methods and framework are based on oral history and holistic human perception. Analysis also applies theories of social inclusion and agency.
According to the research results, familiar songs from early years are relevant to the participants because the songs are linked to one’s individual and collective identity and to strong emotional memories. Most participants felt that singing familiar songs from their childhood is important. The values expressed by the songs were mainly perceived as natural, and the participants still want to maintain them. Also, people who were not musically oriented felt participating in the reminiscing focus group was pleasant.
Singing and reminiscing together with peers enabled experiences of inclusion and agency, which are key factors for the well-being of the elderly. It is there-fore important for younger generations, who work with the elderly, to know this song repertoire and its relevance to the older adults.
Keywords: song memories, childhood memories, elementary school songs, the years of rebuilding, 1940s, 1950s, oral history, cultural senior work, agency, social inclusion, identity, reminiscence group

Jyväskylän yliopistoISBN
978-951-39-8993-4ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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- JYU Dissertations [889]
- Väitöskirjat [3636]
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