Exploring prosociality and collective competence in exercising shared educational leadership in Finland and Japan
This dissertation aims to explore prosociality and collective competence when
educational leadership is exercised as a shared endeavour in collaboration. It
addresses the following specific research questions: 1) What is the relationship
between prosociality, in the form of motivation, behaviour, impact, and
collaboration, in educational leadership as a shared endeavour? 2) What is the
relationship between prosociality and collective competence, as collective
efficacy, in educational leadership as a shared endeavour? 3) What is the
relationship between collaboration and collective competence, as collective
efficacy, in educational leadership as a shared endeavour? The sub-studies
presented here utilised previous publications as data for a systematic narrative
review, quantitative survey data from teachers in Japan (N = 260), and qualitative
interview data gathered from 12 Finnish principals. First, the findings of this
study revealed that many prosocial phenomena concern relationships with
others, such as empathy, caring, and knowledge sharing. In addition, prosociality
was evoked by the experience of benefitting others when collaborating, which
indicated that prosociality could be both essential for and lead to collaboration.
Second, the findings demonstrated that existing literature has implicitly
discussed prosocial elements without noticing that they are essential for
collective competence in educational leadership as a shared endeavour. In
addition, it was found that prosociality encouraged the sense of collective
competence among organisational members because it is valuable for
overcoming their tendency to fragment. Moreover, when organisational
members recognise themselves as competent, their willingness to use their
expertise for social purposes might increase. Third, the findings indicated that,
when organisational members have experienced successful collaboration in
challenging situations, they tend to perceive themselves to be collectively
competent. Overall, these findings enrich our knowledge of how prosociality,
collective competence, and collaboration are related to one another in shared
educational leadership contexts by representing a new concept of collective
educational leadership efficacy.
Keywords: prosociality, collective competence, collaboration, collective efficacy,
educational leadership
Jyväskylän yliopistoISBN
978-951-39-8343-7ISSN Search the Publication Forum
2489-9003Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Yada, T., & Jäppinen, A.-K. (2019). A systematic narrative review of prosociality in educational leadership. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership, 47 (6), 980-1000. DOI: 10.1177/1741143218768579
- Artikkeli II: Yada, T., Räikkönen, E., Imai-Matsumura, K., Shimada, H., Koike, R., & Jäppinen, A-K. (2020). Prosociality as a mediator between teacher collaboration and turnover intention. International Journal of Educational Management, 34(3), 535–548. DOI: 10.1108/IJEM-10-2018-0309
- Artikkeli III: Yada, T., & Jäppinen, A-K. (2020). Understanding collective competence in exercising shared educational leadership. Manuscript under review.
yhteisöllisyys sosiaalinen käyttäytyminen yhteistyö organisaatiot oppiva organisaatio koulut opettajat rehtorit johtajuus oppiminen johtaminen kollektiivinen toiminta kompetenssi tehokkuus prososiaalisuus Suomi Japani koulutusjohtaminen prosociality collective competence collaboration collective efficacy educational leadership
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- JYU Dissertations [875]
- Väitöskirjat [3608]
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