Byrokratia politiikan näkökulmasta : politiikan ja byrokratian keskinäinen yhteys valtio- ja yhteiskuntaprosessin kehityksen valossa
1983The empirical basis of this study is the actualization of problems of bureaucracy in developed post-industrial and parliamentarily governed democratic societies. By bureaucracy can be understood many different things and so the main issue in this study is to try to make the forms of this actualization of bureaucracy more definite. This study is based especially on two problems: the different meanings of bureaucracy - what bureaucracy truly is - and on the other hand the problem of social genesis of the different definitions. Historical analysis on the social genesis reveals that in the problem of bureaucracy there has been changes in the contents of the paradigma of bureaucracy. The most essential changes have in this study been constructed to two ideal types. These ideal types are: the classical view of politics as the realization of the general good and the problem of bureaucracy in it and secondly the concept of modern politics, i.e. politics as the realization of particular interests and the 'necessity' of charismatic political leadership and the problem of bureaucracy in it. Using these two ideal types as a dual staring point for analysis also includes an excursion to the Finnish civil servants' state. This is essential because bureaucracy is not only the problem of institutions and organizations since it only can come true through human action.
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