Cyber security in the management of an electricity company
Pöyhönen, J. (2018). Cyber security in the management of an electricity company. Jyväskylän yliopisto. Informaatioteknologian tiedekunnan julkaisuja / Jyväskylän yliopisto, 56.
© 2018 tekijä ja Jyväskylän yliopisto
The functioning of a modern society is based on the cooperation of several
critical infrastructures, whose joint efficiency depends increasingly on a reliable
national electric power system. Reliability is based on functional data
transmission networks in the organizations that belong to the power system.
Furthermore, reliability is linked to the usability, reliability and integrity of
system data in the operating environment, whose cyber security risks are
continuously augmented by threatening scenarios of the digital world.
In Finland, the production of electricity is in various ways decentralized, which
contributes to the reliability of the power system. Finland has about 120
enterprises that produce electricity and about 400 power plants, in which
electricity is produced using various production methods. Power system process
control is highly automated and networked. This report focuses on the
procedures applied to cyber security management in the processes of electricity
companies, whereby different standards will also be utilized.
The major contributions of the article are that it integrates cyber security
management and risk analysis into the process structures of individual
electricity companies and that it utilizes the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act)
method in developing a company’s cyber security management practices.
In order to put the measures into practice, the leadership of an electricity
company must regard trust-enhancing measures related to cyber security as a
strategic goal, maintain efficient processes and communicate their
implementation with a policy that supports the strategy.
Jyväskylän yliopistoISBN
978-951-39-7542-5ISSN Search the Publication Forum
Original source in research information system
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