We're here, we're queer! : exploring queer narratives in the series Sense8
2020This thesis focuses on queer representations of the characters in the TV series Sense8 including two gay characters Lito and Nomi. The aim of the research is to define how the notion of queer is defined in the series. Three specific scenes have been selected for a closer look at sci-fi queer sex portrayal while narratives of the two seasons of the series are chosen for identifying queer representations and themes.
The data is examined through the perspectives of queer theory, transhuman theory and previous research on queerness on TV and in yaoi/manga. The study is carried out using narrative analysis. This approach allows the thesis to determine reoccurring themes, character representations and development.
The findings have shown that there is an established direct connection between the notions of queer and transhuman. The study has identified representations of queer normalisation, the closet and coming out, heterosexual plot and multisexual sex, diversity and inclusivity, traditional and fuild queerness. The thesis has shown that the series attempts to reimagine the default of sexuality while still sustaining heteronormativity.
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- Pro gradu -tutkielmat [29772]
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