”Suomi sydämessä” – Saksansuomalaisten Suomi-koulun oppilaiden, heidän vanhempiensa ja opettajiensa käsityksiä Suomesta, suomen kielestä ja Suomi-koulusta
This study explores beliefs held by German-Finnish learners, parents and teachers
about Finland and the Finnish language in the context of a Finnish Language
School – Suomi-koulu (later: Language School). Language Schools are non-profit
organizations supported by the Finnish National Board of Education. The purpose
of a Language School is to offer Finnish descent children and adolescents an opportunity
to preserve their Finnish language and introduce them to Finnish culture.
The beliefs were examined with a broad interpretation of the socio-cultural theoretical
perspective, according to which beliefs are constructed in interaction with a
community. The data included questionnaire responses by 56 students, 57 parents
and 22 teachers, interviews of eight students, ten parents and five teachers, as well
as linguistic portrait drawings by participants. Five learners also wrote autobiographical
essays. Using the data, beliefs were investigated as transmitted to the
second and third generation of German Finns in their homes and at the Language
School. The material included both qualitative and quantitative data. The main focus
of the research was on qualitative data, which was analyzed by using qualitative
content analysis. The results indicated that all participants in the study emphasized
the role of the Language School as a community that expanded their possibilities
of using Finnish in everyday life. For the learners, the Language School
provided an opportunity to make Finnish-speaking friends and to use and practice
Finnish outside of their homes. In conclusion, learners appreciated their language
skills, their Finnish backgrounds, multilingualism and the role of the Language
School in developing their Finnish language skills. The parents appreciated the
peer support they received in the Language School community. The teachers valued
the opportunity to use their professional skills in their mother tongue. Beliefs
about the Finnish language were reflected in the expectations for the Language
School. Some parents expected high level development of the children’s language
skills, while some other parents were happy that their children had an opportunity
to join the Finnish community. Both learners and parents expressed their hopes for
a more results-oriented approach. The results provide grounds to consider how
the Language School could be further developed. The results showed that learners
have exhibited having language skill and they have a sense of belonging to the
Finns. Such young people can, if they so wish and have the opportunity, be recourses
to the Finnish society.
Keywords: Finnish, beliefs, mother tongue, multilingualism, tuition
Jyväskylän yliopistoISBN
978-951-39-8105-1ISSN Search the Publication Forum
Show full item recordCollections
- JYU Dissertations [834]
- Väitöskirjat [3535]
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