Begåvningshandikappad ungdom i utveckling : en uppföljningsstudie av funktionsförmåga och fysisk aktivitet hos begåvningshandikappade ungdomar i olika livsmiljöer
This study is concerned with the development of the functional ability and physical activity of moderately and mildly mentally retarded 11-16 year old children (N=74) in different living settings. A reference group of non-handicapped children (N=l95) of the same age was also studied. A follow-up of the mentally retarded individuals was made six years later. The study is especially concerned with the development of functional ability and physical activity in relation to sex, age, intelligence-level, etiology, relative weight, and living settings. The methods included functional tests, interviews and questionnaires. The results indicated that the mentally retarded had a significantly lower mean and higher variance in all components of physical fitness and psychomotor ability than the reference group. The greatest differences observed were in eye-hand coordination and balance. During the six year follow-up a significant development occured in eye-hand coordination, balance, agility and strength-endurance; but not in speed-endurance. Physical activity in leisure time decreased from 11 to 3 hours a week. A slight improvement in adaptive behavior was noted. The mentally retarded living at home and working or going to school developed better eye-hand coordination, and better adaptive behavior but had more obesity problems, than those in the institution and those who were at home all day. The findings indicate the superiority of a natural home setting combined with school or work. The results, however, also emphasize the need for guided physical activity and the prevention of obesity in this living setting. The need to make further efforts within the areas of special education, adapted physical education and rehabilitation in order to promote the development of the mentally retarded in all living settings is obvious.
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Ungdomars fysiska kondition, fysiska aktivitet samt motiv till motionsintresse
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Öhman, Lilja (2023)Background Previous research suggests that family background has an impact on children's health behaviors such as the amount of physical activity (PA), sleep, and screen time. One factor in family background that is ... -
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Plaza-Florido, Abel; Pérez-Prieto, Inmaculada; Molina-Garcia, Pablo; Radom-Aizik, Shlomit; Ortega, Francisco B.; Altmäe, Signe (Frontiers Media SA, 2022)Background: The links of sedentary behavior and physical activity with health outcomes in children and adolescents is well known. However, the molecular mechanisms involved are poorly understood. We aimed to synthesize the ...
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