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dc.contributor.advisorRuiz, Montse
dc.contributor.authorCritchley, William
dc.description.abstractUltra-marathons are unique types of races that go beyond the traditional marathon distance. Typically at least 50 kilometres long, these races test a runner’s ability to push through extreme levels of fatigue. In most such races, a majority of the starters do not even finish. Yet, a surprising statistic reveals that almost all runners who make it to a certain point in the race will eventually finish. This occurs despite them having as much as an entire marathon’s distance remaining. Although it is a battle for all athletes to finish an ultra-marathon, the worst of the battle appears to end some time before the finish line, when an athlete reaches their “tipping point”, an interesting occurrence that invites exploration. The aim of this research was to explore the experiences of ultra-runners across an entire race with a particular focus on the unique point of time where, statistically, almost all runners will finish if they successfully make it to that point. The study was conducted with 13 runners, 8 male and 5 female, in a 50-mile and 100-kilometer ultra-running race in Alberta, Canada. Data collected from participants included quantitative data in the form of two questionnaires performed during the race, before and after a specific section of the race, and qualitative data through pre-race and post-race interviews. The quantitative results were analyzed using a Wilcoxon signed-ranks test, which showed no significant difference between the two samples. Although some participants’ scores improved, few of the results showed a statistically significant change in emotional experience. In some cases, the scores decreased, suggesting a negative emotional reaction. The qualitative results were analyzed using an interpretive phenomenological approach, and told a different story from the quantitative data, one of distinct changes in mindset, feeling, and positivity. These positive changes were brought on by a wide variety of mental strategies used to overcome particular stressors noticeable among most participants. The results of the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the studies were compared after the analysis of both parts was complete, similarities and differences were also considered. Overall, the results suggest that ultra-marathoners do experience a “tipping point”, a strong positive experience, which is closely related to a feeling of being able to finish the race, or to achieve their goals. This was not reflected in the quantitative data, demonstrating that the “tipping point” is not necessarily specific to a certain point of the race. While most participants report having the experience, it clearly does not manifest itself in the same time, place or manner for all. The results do, however, teach about how runners get to a “tipping point” experience, what it feels like, and how other athletes could train themselves to achieve that feeling sooner.en
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subject.othertipping point
dc.subject.othermental strategies
dc.title"Only 50k to go" : exploring the late-race experience of ultra runners
dc.typemaster thesis
dc.type.ontasotPro gradu -tutkielmafi
dc.type.ontasotMaster’s thesisen
dc.contributor.tiedekuntaLiikuntatieteellinen tiedekuntafi
dc.contributor.tiedekuntaFaculty of Sport and Health Sciencesen
dc.contributor.laitosLiikunta- ja terveystieteetfi
dc.contributor.laitosSport and Health Sciencesen
dc.contributor.yliopistoJyväskylän yliopistofi
dc.contributor.yliopistoUniversity of Jyväskyläen
dc.contributor.oppiaineSport and Exercise Psychologyen
dc.subject.ysofatigue (biological phenomena)

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