Decay spectroscopy of the very neutron-deficient lead and thallium isotopes 178,179Pb and ¹⁷⁹Tl
This thesis reports on the production of the very neutron-deficient isotopes 178,179Pb
and 179Tl, using heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reactions. The gas-filled separator
RITU and the GREAT spectrometer at its focal plane position were used for the
decay spectroscopy study. The α decay of 178Pb and its α-decay chain were studied
through α-α correlations. The α-particle energy and half-life were measured for
178Pb as, Eα= 7610(30) keV and t1/2 = 0.21−+0.21
0.08 ms, respectively. The half-life is
consistent with recent theoretical calculations using the Coulomb and Proximity
Potential Model (CPPM). The hindrance factor for 178Pb was deduced and corresponds to an unhindered Δl = 0 transition. The α-decay reduced width was
deduced as well and put into a systematic context advancing the systematics of the
even-A Pb isotopes to further neutron deficiency. The decay properties of 179Pb
were studied through α-α and α-γ correlations, which has allowed the ground-state
of 179Pb to be assigned as Iπ = 9/2−. In comparison with the literature, a more
precise α-particle energy and half-life were measured for the ground state of 179Pb
to be, Eα = 7348(5) keV and t1/2 = 2.7(2) ms, respectively. A search for a νi13/2
state in 179Pb was performed, but only a limit of excitation energy and half-life
was obtained. In addition, improved α-decay data were also measured for 179Tl.
Evidence for an isomeric state at an excitation energy of 904.5(9) keV was identified
for the first time in 179Tl, with a half-life of t1/2 = 114−+18
10 ns and is tentatively
assigned to be a proton (9/2−) intruder state.

University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-7330-8ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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- Väitöskirjat [3636]
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