Avoimen tiedon keskus 1.1.2017 lukien: viimeksi lisätyt
Aineistot 71-73 / 73
Oxygen and carbon isoscapes for the Baltic Sea: Testing their applicability in fish migration studies
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2017)Conventional tags applied to individuals have been used to investigate animal movement, but these methods require tagged individuals be recaptured. Maps of regional isotopic variability known as “isoscapes” offer potential ... -
The history and future of fungi as biodiversity surrogates in forests
(Elsevier, 2017)Biodiversity surrogates are commonly used in conservation biology. Here we review how fungi have been used as such in forest conservation, emphasizing proposed surrogate roles and practical applications. We show that many ... -
Tutkimus tehostaa suojelutoimia : yhteenveto Puutteellisesti tunnettujen ja uhanalaisten metsälajien tutkimusohjelman vaikuttavuudesta
(Suomen Metsätieteellinen Seura, 2017)