Castron kastraatio : Pedro Juan Gutiérrezin proosa castrokommunistisen utopian romuttajana
This dissertation explores how Pedro Juan Gutiérrez's fiction corresponds to the Castrocommunist
utopia. The study has three goals: (1) to explain how Castro-communism has
formed, altered and impacted on Cuban literature; (2) to investigate how Gutiérrez's fiction
corresponds to the Castro-communist utopia and ideals; and (3) how his parodic (anti)detective
story Nuestro GG en La Habana (2004) is based on and relates to Cuban socialist detective stories,
Graham Greene's spy farce Our Man in Havana, Castro-communist historiography and the
social, ideological and economic shifts in Cuban society during the 1990s.
Previous studies on Gutiérrez's fiction have focused almost exclusively on the
autobiographical nature of the Ciclo de Centro Habana, a series of five books published in
Spain between 1998 and 2003. Research on Gutiérrez has both argued that his "dirty realism"
revokes the ideal of the Guevarian New Man and defined him as an apolitical author. The
relationship between Cuban fiction and Castro-communism is a fundamental question in
research on Cuban literature, because of the authoritarian nature of the Cuban regime with its
censorship, oppression and lack of freedom of speech. I argue that research on Cuban literature
needs to observe Castro-communist cultural politics in order to recognize how Castrocommunism
dictated for decades the literary orthodoxy.
I resort to the concept of "ideological fantasy", formulated by Slavoj Žižek, in order to
sketch the fundamental tenets of Castro-communism. From this theoretical background, I
analyse in depth four of Gutiérrez's novels and three of his short story collections in relation to
their cultural and historical context and the Castro-communist literary tradition. In particular, I
investigate Nuestro GG en La Habana, the only work of Gutiérrez that takes place in the 1950s
pre-revolutionary Cuba. Gutiérrez's (anti)detective story is a parody of Graham Greene's Our
Man in Havana. Since parody is an innately intertextual technique, valid interpretations arise in
a two-way movement between the subject of the research, the explicit intertexts (like Greene
and his ”spy farce”), the implicit intertexts, and other intertextual and cultural-historical
The research findings illustrate how Gutiérrez's fiction functions as a two-way movement
between critical dissidence and silent submission. Dirty realistic or naturalistic tendencies
unveil an unpleasant Cuban reality behind the idealized images of the Castro-communist
utopia. Regardless of the occasionally cruel depiction of Cubans, a cynical indifference distances
Gutiérrez's approach from outright social criticism. Eventually, irony doesn't revoke the
dominance of Castro-communism. Contrary to some prior studies, I argue that Gutiérrez's
fiction cannot be classified simply as counter-revolutionary. The sadistic features of the
protagonist repeat as a reflection the oppressive politics of the Castro-communist tyranny. This
side of him offers a miniature version or a caricature of the dictator. In the utopia, he is the king
of Havana, but outside of the discursive realm, he has lost his omnipotence. This study
advances our understanding of how Gutiérrez's fiction, as a part of the boom of Cuban
literature in the 1990s, disengaged itself from the old monolithic vision of the Castro-communist
utopia sustained by its cultural politics.
Alternative title
Pedro Juan Gutiérrezin proosa castrokommunistisen utopian romuttajanaPublisher
University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-6740-6ISSN Search the Publication Forum
Reinaldo, Arenas Castro, Fidel Greene, Graham Gutiérrez, Pedro Juan Žižek, Slavoj antidetective autofiction Castro-communism Cuban cultural history Cuban literature dirty realism historiography ideological fantasy intertextuality La Habana parody período especial sociological fiction tragic irrealism kirjallisuudentutkimus parodia satiiri salapoliisikirjallisuus poliittinen historia kulttuurihistoria intertekstuaalisuus kontekstuaalisuus yhteiskuntakuvaus seksuaalisuus sukupuolisuus ideologiat autofiktio Kuuba
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