Domestic dexterity and cultural policy : the idea of cottage industry and historical experience in Finland from the great famine to the reconstruction period
The concept of cottage industry (kotiteollisuus) referred especially to rural craft
practices. For the promotion of cottage industries, a state administrative organ and
a network of cottage industry associations and schools were established. A sphere
developed and monitored by specialists, cottage industry policies were planned as
official committee work. However, the matter was usually addressed as ‘the idea of
cottage industry’ (kotiteollisuusaate). In this study, the historical idea of cottage
industry and its cultural and political backgrounds are analysed. The starting point
of the investigation is in the post-WWII Cottage Industry Production Committee,
but from its years of activity, 1944–1949, the study moves on to the emergence and
establishment of the idea of cottage industry and the respective policy line in the
late 19th and the early 20th centuries. The study scrutinises, who promoted cottage
industries and what their cultural, social, and ideological backgrounds were, and
how they influenced the construction of cottage industry policy. Research work
builds on the microhistorical research angle making use of textual details in the
1949 committee report. Following the clue method, historical sources are analysed,
including earlier committee reports, newspaper articles, meeting and exhibition
documents, small publications, and personal archives. Through the notion of
historical experience, special attention is paid to the continuity and recollection of
the idea of cottage industry as it was expressed by the 1944–1949 committee
members in the magazine Kotiteollisuus. The study found that cottage industry
created a 19th-century administrative and political concept that was applied in the
first instance to manage critical situations caused by crop failures and other societal
hardships. Especially in the aftermath of the WWII, cottage industry was
essentially conceived of as a cultural political measure to balance the society facing
large settlement and land acquisition projects by creating a sense of cultural
continuity through the means of domestic craft practices. The historical idea of
cottage industry and the respective sphere of administration summoned a
remarkable cultural political factor that has strongly affected Finnish craft culture.

University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-6456-6ISSN Search the Publication Forum
cottage industry history of cultural policy cultural history history of ideas microhistory historical experience historical trauma craft history heritage policy 19th-century Finland 1860s’ famine reconstruction period 1860's famine 1800-luku kotiteollisuus historia kulttuuripolitiikka kulttuurihistoria aatehistoria mikrohistoria traumat käsityö kulttuuriperintö katovuodet jälleenrakentaminen Suomi
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